First Nation Satellite Network Managers meet with K-Net and IC staff

Representatives from Eabamatoong and Webequie spent the day meeting with K-Net staff and Carl Seibel, FedNor Telecom Projects Officer. Nanajean Waswa is the Eabamatoong Cable TV Manager. Lorraine Shewaybick, Employment Counsellor and Lisa Shewaybick, Distance Education Coordinator travelled from Webequie to attend the one day workshop. The workshop was hosted by K-Net to provide ongoing support for partner First Nations utilizing the public benefit C-Band resource for broadband connectivity.

Discussions included:

  • challenges and issues concerning the present level of service;
  • overview of the existing network and the various components;
  • introduction of available support services, staff and resources;
  • tour of facilities, systems and components;
  • review of network costs and pricing formula;
  • introduction of the on-line video conferencing booking and network management systems;
  • future developments including the construction of the big dish, additional bandwidth resources, scheduling system and partnerships;
  • demonstrations of network applications.