Archive - 2003

January 22nd

Band Administration Program students visit K-Net

On Monday, January 20, Florence Woolner, the course instructor for this session's First Nations Band Administration Program, organized an ICT orientation presentation by K-Net staff for her students. Student representatives were from Cat Lake, Fort Severn, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug and North Spirit Lake.

Florence and the students were provided with a brief overview of the Kuh-ke-nah Network and some of the o­n-line services that are delivered by K-Net. E-mail and it business applications became the primary focus of discussion for the session.

K-Net staff looks forward to supporting the Band Administration Program in the use of ICTs for the delivery of their courses.

January 20th

Keewaytinook Okimakanak participate in the FedNor sponsored NOMS Curriculum Conference

The new Northern Ontario Medical School (NOMS found at took another step in its development process with 300 people coming together from across Northern Ontario on January 16, 17, 18 in Sault Ste Marie. FedNor (Northern Ontario's Federal Economic Development Program) once again made it possible for everyone to gather for this historical conference. Their generous financial investment continues to ensure the furture social and economic development of Northern Ontario.

Dr. Arthur Kaufman, from New Mexico, stated during his presentation that for every doctor that comes and works in their region, there is an economic spin off of approximately 18 additional jobs for the community. With the new medical school, new resources that will come into this region, businesses and families will once again begin investing and moving to Northern Ontario.

Four people from Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Orpah McKenzie - Health Director, Jim Teskey - Education Advisor, Gibbet Stevens - Telehealth Project Scheduler and Brian Beaton - K-Net Services Coordinator, attended this gathering. As well, Mary Lawson represented McDowell Lake First Nation and James Kakepetum represented Keewaywin First Nation at the first curriculum planning conference. Nishnawbe Aski Nation was well represented at this gathering with both staff and other members from other tribal councils attending.

The new Northern Ontario medical school, with campuses in both Sudbury and and Thunder Bay, promises to engage First Nations from across the region in all aspects of its development and admissions for future Aboriginal doctors!

Elder Passes Away In Weagamow Lake

A elder passed away today. His name is David Quequish from Weagamow Lake. Sarah Sachekapo, another elder, annouced the death o­n the radio this afternoon. She spoke about her belief that he'll be in Heaven and will always be missed by his family and friends.

I felt sad that he died but I know that he will always be in our memory.

R.I.P we love you and miss you.

January 17th

Muskrat Dam 1st Annual Ladies' Broomball Tournament

Muskrat Dam is pleased to announce it's first annual Ladie's Broomball Tournament beginning February 6,7,8, 2003.

Further information will be faxed to communities soon.

Entry fee: $500.00

first prize: $3000.00
additional prizes to be determined later.

*Plus*     $6000.00   JACKPOT BINGO
$125/Booklet, including specials.

For more fast information phone Joni at (807) 471-2524
or email Sean at

January 15th

Learning Through the Arts Conference Jan 31st to Feb 2nd in Red Lake

The Royal Conservatory of Music
Learning through the Arts Program
Keewaytinook Okimakanak


Teachers and Artists as Partners in the Classroom

Jan 31st  to Feb. 2nd, 2003
Red Lake Training and Conference Center

for further information, please contact
Conrad Bobiwash,
First Peoples Program Manager
Learning Through the Arts
Royal Conservatory of Music

January 14th

Learning through the Arts Require Local Artists

Call for
Artists and Crafts People
in the KO First Nations

There is an urgent need for artists and crafts people  to work ten days in the following schools: Deer Lake, Keewaywin, North Spirit lake, Poplar Hill and Fort Severn.

Successful artists will have to attend training in Red Lake in Feburary and then  start immediately in the the community schools identified above. You must also speak or write to the Education Director in your community who will approve your  name as an applicant .

The positions are short contract work and will involve 10 working days in your the community identified above.

Please forward your name to Crystal  Neilson,  Artist Coordinator, LTTA,

This is a partnership intiative between Keewatinook Okimakanak  Education and the Royal Conservatory of Music.

For further information or questions , please contact

Conrad Bobiwash, Program Manager
Learning Through the Arts
Royal Conservatory of Music

MYKNET.ORG Web Site Popularity is Growing


On January 13, 2003

  • 205 people made changes / updates to their web pages
  • 1850 individual web sites were accessible for public viewing
  • 12 new accounts were requested and set up for individuals to use to create their own web site
  • 101,674 hits were registered o­n this domain
  • 2,106 visits were also registered
  • many people are now including new tools and creating unique pages for their site
  • resulting in over 1,018,076 hits to this server so far this month
  • the MYKNET.ORG server had to be rebooted late in the afternoon because it became too busy, meaning we now have to upgrade the server by increasing the memory.

January 13th

A Memorial Hockey Tournament is also in the air at Poplar Hill


  After a decade of silence, well not really silence but you get what I'm trying to say, we are pleased to announce a 2nd Annual Timothy Moose Memorial Hockey Tournament here in Poplar Hill.  The first annual Tournament was held in the year 1993, hosted by the brother of the late Timothy Moose.  This year may I add again, after a decade later, it will be the nephew of the late Timothy Moose along with two others, that will be hosting this event.  More review to follow...until then...ciao.

Poplar Hill Presents:

2nd Annual Timothy Moose

Memorial Hockey Tournament


Where:  Poplar Hill First Nation

When: January 24, 25, 26, 2003

Deadline to Enter: January 20, 2003

Travel Day: January 23, 2003

Entry Fee: $800.00

2 Local Teams, 6 outside Teams

Accomodations will be provided.

Bring your own sleeping gear.


Howard Moose: w-(807)772-8838 h-(807)772-9905 or 8865


Kenny Quill: w-(807)772-8856 h-(807)772-9941

Jerry Owen: w-(807)772-1079 h-(807)772-1041

Poplar Hill By-Law must be Respected

(no alcohol or drugs allowed)

Learning Through the Arts Staff visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Conrad Bobiwash and Crystal Nielsen from the Royal Conservatory of Music's Learning Through the Arts (LTTA) program visited the K-Net office in Sioux Lookout this afternoon. They are o­n their way over to the Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Balmertown office and then making a whirlwind tour of several KO First Nations to introduce and plan the next LTTA session in the local schools.

Two Candidates To Run For Chief Position in Deer Lake

A nomination meeting for the vacant Chief position took place in Deer Lake from 4 - 8 pm Friday o­n January 10, 2003.  After all the nomination ballots were counted, two candidates were selected to run for Chief, Saggius Rae and Mickey Meekis.

The election is scheduled for Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at the TV Station, beginning at 9 am and running until 9 pm.
