Archive - 2003

March 16th

Cultural Survival Publications link Indigenous Peoples from around the world

Cultural Survival has three major goals:
1. Spread awareness and provide formal documentation of the myriad challenges confronting indigenous peoples around the world.
2. Engage and educate the next generation about the critical issues facing indigenous peoples and their importance within the global community.
3. Provide empowerment tools that support indigenous efforts to effectively resist cultural degradation and threats to their sovereignty.

It publishes the Indigenous Weekly News that everyone is invited to subscribe to by sending an e-mail message to Their quarterly journal, Cultural Survival Quarterly (CSQ), contains articles that "explore the interconnected issues that affect indigenous and ethnic minority communities, including environmental destruction, land rights, sustainable development, and cultural preservation."

"All over the world, governments were seeking to extract resources from areas that had not hitherto been developed and, in the process, were mistreating their indigenous inhabitants. What should be done about this? What could be done about this? Cultural Survival was founded to try to answer these questions and to work for the solutions developed by the nascent indigenous and pro-indigenous movements."

Northern First Nations Hockey Tournament in Sioux Lookout

This week saw 32 hockey teams from First Nations across the Sioux Lookout Zone coming into Sioux Lookout to play their neighbouring communities. The web site ( hosted by Shibogama Technical Services is proving to be a popular place for fans to leave their congratulations for teams and players. Today the A and B side semi-finals and finals will determine who comes away as this year's champions.

CONGRATULATIONS to KINGFISHER LAKE for winning the A-side championship!!

Everyone who plays in this tournament comes away as champions because of the work and determination it takes to participate. Every year the caliber of hockey is improving with more young people having more access to the recreational facilities they need to properly prepare for this tournament. Hopefully in the next few years more First Nations across the region will be able to construct their own arenas and host their own tournaments (several are already doing this).

March 14th

Renewed Funding For First Nations Schoolnet Program Announcement

LARONGE, Saskatchewan, March 14, 2003 --

On Friday, March 14, 2003, Rick Laliberte, Member of Parliament for Churchill River, on behalf of Industry Minister Allan Rock, announced renewed funding for Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet Program. The funds will be used to provide First Nations schools with Internet access, computer equipment, technical support and training.

Six regional management organizations that have been selected to manage and deliver the First Nations SchoolNet Program across Canada will also be announced.

The announcement was made in conjunction with the Pan-Canadian Northern Connectivity Conference and the second semi-annual First Nations SchoolNet Conference. Various municipal, provincial, federal and First Nations community representatives will attend the event on site or through videoconference. Everyone was invited to participate on-line through and joining in the live chat session that runs with the webcast.

The text of the official announcement, along with the background notes (in a PDF format) are available on-line.

Date: Friday, March 14, 2003Time: 9 a.m.Location: LaRonge Motor Hotel LaRonge, Saskatchewan

For more information, please contact:

Industry CanadaMedia Relations(613) 943-2502

Susan GoddardInformation Highway Branch(306) 780-5610

Keewaytinook Okimakanak Managers plan for final year of Smart project

Six Keewaytinook Okimakanak managers were able to get together with Carl Seibel in Thunder Bay on Thursday, March 13 to discuss plans for the final year of the Smart Communities Demonstration Project. Working with the information obtained from the first three First Nation ICT planning workshops held this year, the managers mapped out priorities and strategies to deliver on many of the community needs.

Support for the further development of KiHS in each of the KO First Nations and for the local schools’ ICT requirements was recognized as a priority. Telehealth development and migration to include all the First Nations across the region is another goal that will continue to be supported by the smart project. The Kuh-ke-nah Network will see ongoing upgrades and the introduction of more capacity for both IP video conferencing and IP telephony. Skills transfer, local human resource development and capacity building will be the focus of a series of gatherings being planned for the upcoming fiscal year. The KO Public Works team will be taking on the development of local GIS applications with each KO First Nation.

Lots to look forward to in the upcoming year and lots of work to be done by the KO Smart Team!!

"A Global Candlelight Vigil for Peace" on Sunday (March 16), 7 pm

Join Global Vigil on March 16 - CENTENNIAL PARK, Sioux Lookout

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC),, and the Win Without War Coalition urge the people of the world to support Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s call for "A Global Candlelight Vigil for Peace" on Sunday (March 16).

On the verge of a US-led war against Iraq, we ask people around the world to share in a time of witness and prayer for peace—to show that there are two superpowers in the world:  the US Government and WORLD PUBLIC OPINION.

In the last months, we have petitioned local leaders and the UN; we have rallied by the millions; we have marched.  Now it is time for a solemn witness and display of our profound hope and our prayers for peace.

At and, you will find information on how to participate in or to organize a candlelight vigil in your area.

In the most countries, vigils are being scheduled for 7:00 p.m. local time.  In areas where it is not yet dark at 7:00 p.m., organizers are asked to hold their vigils at dusk.

Our goal is to create a moving curtain of light that rolls from the Pacific around the world.

Please share this message as widely as possible.

It is particularly important for there to be vigils in the member countries of the UN Security Council:  Angola, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Chile, France, Germany, Guinea, Mexico, Pakistan, The Russian Federation, Spain, The Syrian Arab Republic, The United Kingdom, and The United States.

We recognize that other people around the world are affected by violent conflicts—current, past, and imminent.  Signs calling generally for prayers or hopes for peace are fine.

To find a vigil in your area or to register a vigil that you are planning, go to .

For more information about planning a faith-based vigil, visit, where you will also find extensive resources on the conflict with Iraq and global work for peace.

The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization, which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service.  Its work is based on the worth of every person, and faith in the power of Love to overcome violence and injustice.

Aboriginal peoples rights recognized by NAFTA and WTO

Press Release


(Vancouver, British Columbia/ Thunder Bay, Ontario, March 13, 2003): In a precedent setting move the NAFTA tribunal accepted arguments by Canadian Aboriginal peoples and environmental groups in the ongoing dispute over Softwood Lumber countervailing duties. In January 2003, the WTO panel on Softwood Lumber also accepted indigenous and environmental submissions.

Grand Chief Leon Jordain, Grand Council of Treaty 3, a member of the Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade (INET), stated: "Our peoples are very proud of the acceptance of our submissions, which shows that Aboriginal proprietary interests and environmental concerns are taken seriously by international trade tribunals, where national governments often fail to take them into account or implement them." Similarly, Deputy Grand Chief Raymond Ferris of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, expressed his pleasure in the efforts of First Nations coming this far and expressed the intention of Nishnawbe Aski Nation to continue its efforts.

Aboriginal peoples and environmental groups intervened in the present Softwood Lumber Dispute because of the government’s continued failure to recognize Aboriginal Title or enforce environmental protections such as streamside buffers. The Canadian government has consistently opposed public interest organization participation in trade disputes, while making joint submissions with industry associations.

In NAFTA and WTO proceedings Canadian governments and industry misrepresented Canadian law arguing that stumpage paid by large companies holding tenure rights was not the price paid for Crown timber, but " akin to a tax," implying that the companies own the trees as they stand in the forest.

Arthur Manuel, Spokesperson of the Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade: "Aboriginal peoples are the stewards of the land and we also own the trees in our forests. What would British Columbians say if their government told them that all trees now belong to the companies? Yet this is the very argument Canada is secretly bringing before international trade tribunals both against the interests of Aboriginal peoples and the Canadian public as a whole."

Will Horter of the Dogwood Initiative, working with different public interest groups and Aboriginal peoples stated: "It is important our voices are heard, because Canada is trying to pass their administrative stumpage system that exploits the forest resource off as a competitive market system to the detriment of conservation and the overall economy."

Aboriginal peoples and environmental groups will continue to make substantive submissions to international trade tribunals in the Softwood Lumber Dispute, educating both the panel members and involved parties. They are confident that increasing international awareness of Aboriginal and environmental issues will also ensure that their interests are taken into account in political negotiations regarding Softwood Lumber.

For more information, please contact:
Arthur Manuel (INET): 250-319 0688
Will Horter (Dogwood Initiative): 250-370 9930
Grand Chief Leon Jordain (Treaty 3): 807-548 4214
Deputy Grand Chief Raymond Ferris (NAN): 807-623-8228

Nishnawbe Equay-Wug Broomball Tournament 2003

Nishnawbe Equay-Wug Broomball Tournament

  A - Side Champions       $12,000.00    with Trophy & Gold Medals

  A - Side Finalists            $6,000.00     with Trophy & Silver Medals

  B - Side Champions       $5,000.00      with Trophy & Bronze Medals

  B - Side Finalist              $3,000.00      with Trophy

"C - Side will be added if more then 20 teams enter"

New Deadline for late entries:  Monday March 24 2003 @ 10:00pm

For more information call: Marcel Mckay Head Coordinator

Work   (807) 537 - 2259     Home (807) 537 9955     Fax (807) 537 - 2547

or E-mail


Webequie Queens, Pikangikum 2Extreme, Pikangikum Angels

      Eabametoong Northern Lights, Eabametoong Charlie's Angels, Neskataga

        Nibinamik Native Stars,  Nibinamik Wolverines,  Michikan Lake Stars

          Muskrat Dam Saints,  Rat Portage, Sachigo Lake, Sioux Lookout

                            Cat Lake  and    Kitchenuhmaykoosib Blazers

"We are talking to other teams but haven't confirmed as of yet"

March 11th

K-Net Partners with Open Network Craft Project from B.C. for Broadband Training

Sandy McElroy, President of Pacific Rim Communications Ltd and partner in the Open Network Craft Project with the Gold Trail Open Network Society out of Ashcroft, BC, visited K-Net's Sioux Lookout operation on March 10 -12, 2003. Sandy met many of the K-Net partners during his visit to K-Net and conducted several meetings with different people to explore the training needs and directions for the training material being developed under this innovative e-learning program that has funding support from CANARIE. K-Net is partnering in this project to access these new training resources while using the new e-learning platform that was created for KiHS in our second adult on-line training program for the staff working in the First Nations.

From the project summary ... The Open Network Craft Project will pilot the provision of practical, craft-based training to enable workers in remote, rural and First Nation enterprises to independently promote, install and maintain broadband infrastructure. The project will include the analysis of the tasks involved and associated skill requirements, the design and pilot delivery of appropriate training materials, including delivery through the use of broadband technology where applicable. The online training and instructional materials and services will form the basis of a peer-to-peer mutual support network for non-specialist persons responsible for local network development and maintenance.

March 10th

Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal presented to Garnet Angeconeb and Peggy Sanders

Howard Hampton, MPP for Kenora-Rainy River and Leader of the NDP, presented Garnet and Peggy with the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal for their outstanding contribution to our community, the region and the country. Check out the pictures of the gathering where everyone celebrated this special occasion.

March 9th

KO staff participate in workshop of the Smart Community program

Geordi Kakepetum and I participated in a workshop on the Smart Communities Program on March 3.  The workshop was part of a mid-term evaluation of the Smart Community program being conducted by Hickling Arthurs Low (HAL) Corporation for the Audit and Evaluation Branch of Industry Canada.
The background paper (powerpoint presentation) provided a working guide for the workshop outlining each of the questions that were asked of the participants.  About 20 people representing Smart Community applicants and recipients and various government interests in Smart Communities took part in the workshop. The resulting workshop proceedings (PDF document) were distributed to all the participants detailing the discussions and issues shared during the session and the rankings attached to the various contributions made by the workshop participants.