Archive - 2003

April 1st

Information Publications about the Kuh-ke-nah Project

Three new information publications describing the work being completed within the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations Demonstration project are available online and in paper format. They include:

Nishnawbe Women's Leadership Forum in Sioux Lookout

Nishnawbe Women's Leadership Forum

May 13-15, 2003

Equay-wuk (Women's Group) is organizing a three day gathering of women leaders, entitled, "Nishnawbe Women's Leadership Forum".  The event will bring together women who are Chiefs and Councillors in NAN First Nation communities.  The leadership forum will consist of presentations and discussions by women leaders about their experiences in running in band council elections and their experiences as Chiefs or Councillors.

The Leadership Forum will take place May 13-15, 2003, in Sioux Lookout, Ontario at the Sunset Inn.  Invited to the forum are:  8 Chiefs, 1 Deputy Chief and 13 Councillors.

The Keynote Speaker will be Dr. Emily Faries, Chief Self Government Negotiator for the Nishnawbe Aski Nation.  Guest speakers include:  Chief Margaret Penasse-Mayer (Nipissing First Nation), and Deputy Chief Gloria Harris (Missanabie Cree First Nation).

The event will be broadcast live on Wawatay Radio on the mornings of May 13-15, 2003.

Interested persons are welcome to come and observe.

Funding for this event was made possible Thanks to the Status of Women Canada.

For more information contact:    

  • Felicia Waboose, Program Director or
  • Darlene Angeconeb, Project Coordinator.  Telephone:  807-737-2214 or 800-261-8294
  • Equay-wuk Website:  

March 31st

Northern Ontario Medical School and NAN staff visit Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Dr. Roger Strasser, Carol Otte and Darcia Borg from the new Northern Ontario Medical School along with Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic and Brian Walmark from Nishnawbe Aski Nation travelled to Balmertown on March 31 to meet with Keewaytinook Okimakanak and our partners. The team along with KO staff are chartering up to Deer Lake to visit their community and the local Health Centre. Meetings with Red Lake doctors and hospital administration, along with the municipality of Red Lake is making this trip an opportunity for networking and learning about the needs of rural and remote communities.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak looks forward to partnering with NOMS in the development of a program that will see medical professionals working in the First Nations as part of their training experience.

Check out the pictures.

KiHS Steering Committee Meets to Plan for community-based high school

The KiHS Steering Committee met from March 24 - 27 at the Sunset Inn in Sioux Lookout to discuss the various issues facing KiHS. Community representatives from the 13 partner First Nations were invited to share their experiences and recommendations on a number of topics including:

  • local issues and successes;
  • student retention;
  • plans for 2003-2004 school year; and
  • the KiHS / INAC five year pilot project.

Darrin Potter, KiHS Principal worked with Marlene McKay, KiHS Vice-Principal and Charlene Walsh, KiHS Secretary to facilitate this meeting. Representatives from each of the KiHS partner First Nations included:

  • Cat Lake - Sylvia Wesley
  • North Spirit Lake - Margaret Kakegamic
  • Fort Severn - Moses Kakekaspan
  • Slate Falls - Annette Loon
  • Fort William - Pam Collins
  • Frenchman’s Head - Albert LacSeul
  • Sachigo Lake - Theodore Tait
  • Keewaywin - Chris Kakegamic
  • Webequie - Belinda Reid
  • Kejick Bay - Roy Ninegewance
  • Weagamow - Roy Sakchekapo
  • Eabametoong - Harry Papah
  • Deer Lake - Barbara Rae

The roles and responsibilities of the KiHS Steering Committee are posted for everyone to know the work that is being undertaken by this team.

March 27th

Gospel Meetings in Weagamow

On April 4, 5 and 6, A Gospel Jamboree will be held at the Gymnasium with verious guests on the list including the Red Sucker Lake Band from Red Sucker Lake, Manitoba.

For more information, please call Saul Keeash @ (807) 469-7441


The New Life Pentacostal Church and the One
Name Church in Weagamow Lake, will be hosting a joint service on April 25, 26 and 27.

Guest Speakers include Clark Stevenson

Roger Stevenson of Whitewood, Sask. & Darius Ferris of Calstock, Ontario

For more info please call Pastor Samson Chikane @ (807)469-1044

Or Pastor Colin Kanate @ (807) 469-1041

Or email @

March 26th

Gospel Meeting in Deer Lake On April 11,12,13

Pentecostal Harvest Church

Deer Lake,Ontario

Invites All!

for services taking place on

APRIL 11, 12 & 13, 2003







Poplar Hill's first Annual 5 on 5 Volleyball Tournament

Poplar Hill Presents
1st Annual Mens 5 on 5
Volleyball Tournament

April 23-26, 2003

Poplar Hill Community Centre

Entry Fee: $250.00 per Team

Accommodations will be Provided

For more Information Contact

Howard Moose (w) 807 772 8838  (h) 807 772 1146
Robin Dunsford (w) 807 772 8831 (5pm-10pm) (h) 807 772 9917
Arnold Moose (w)  807 772 9969 (h) 807 772 9917
Zack Suggashie (h) 807 772 8853

Poplar Hill by-law must be respected.
No Alcohol and drugs allowed

KO to participate in Canada's Information Technology (IT) Week - May 2 - 11

Keewaytinook Okimakanak is scheduled to participate in the opening video conferenced session for Canada's Information Technology (IT) week on May 2 (more information to follow). Watch the IT Week web site for additional information at

Canada's IT Week is a 10-day event where communities, businesses, employees, governments, teachers and students are encouraged to work in partnership and find creative ways to showcase and recognize their achievements in information and communication technology (ICT).

From May 2-11, 2003, citizens are encouraged to partake in IT Week by hosting workshops, open houses, seminars and conferences.

March 25th

Presentation to APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group (APECTEL)

Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff presented a paper and a powerpoint presentation to the APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group (APECTEL) in Kuala Kumpur, Malaysia. The March 25 Broadband Workshop agenda, provided delegates with background information about the issues and developments concerning the deployment of broadband infrastructure in rural communities.

"Why Broadband for APEC Underserved and Unserved Rural Communities - Why Not!" was a paper prepared by Brian Beaton discussing some of the socio-economic benefits for bringing broadband services into rural and remote communities. The internet based video connection with the conference site was established using a software tool called Multimedia Conferencing System (MCS) and a separate Document Conferencing software package along with a live chat session. Due to the internet connections in Malaysia, everyone was able to see and hear the presentation fairly well but the return feed to Sioux Lookout from Malaysia could not provide a video image and the sound was garbled so the live chat was used as the prompt for the exchanges. The powerpoint presentation ended up being controlled by the technician in Malaysia because the document server was not set up at the conference site.

In preparation for the session there was a three hour testing of the system the week before the event where the powerpoint presentation was sent over to the firm organizing the A/V portion for the session.  Eric Tsang from the Communications Research Centre in Ottawa attended the event in Kuala Kumpur and wrote about there being problems with the audio but overall the presentation went well. Various people from Industry Canada including Susan Johnston, Kathy Fisher and Vicki Schouten worked on including the Keewaytinook Okimakanak story on the agenda.

Dreamcatching 2003 and KiHS

Recently, KiHS staff members, Marlene Mckay and Jeremy Snihur, attended the Dreamcatching 2003 conference in Montreal.  Dreamcatching 2003 focused on educating First Nations youth in the areas of Mathematics and Science.  Each Dreamcatching conference also promotes a profession which requires a background in Mathematics and Science. This year's profession was Engineering and promoting Native access to Engineering programmes.

Many scientific and mathematic concepts studied today were originally used and discovered by First Nations peoples. Dreamcatching 2003 is looking to guide First Nations students in the field of Engineering. Engineers are involved in the design and construction of buildings, bridges, roads, engines and electrical machines. Engineers will be a vital resource for the development of many First Nations communities.

KiHS (Keewaytinook Internet High School) presented a workshop at the Dreamcatching 2003 conference. The KiHS workshop helped educators from all over Canada gain an understand of the role of KiHS and how KiHS is guiding First Nations students to post-secondary education.  KiHS provides local high school education through the use of computers and the internet. KiHS students have the unique opportunity of receiving high school credits while learning valuable computer skills.

To learn more, please visit the following links:

Native Access to Engineering Programme

Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS)