"A Global Candlelight Vigil for Peace" on Sunday (March 16), 7 pm

Join Global Vigil on March 16 - CENTENNIAL PARK, Sioux Lookout

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), MoveOn.org, and the Win Without War Coalition urge the people of the world to support Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s call for "A Global Candlelight Vigil for Peace" on Sunday (March 16).

On the verge of a US-led war against Iraq, we ask people around the world to share in a time of witness and prayer for peace—to show that there are two superpowers in the world:  the US Government and WORLD PUBLIC OPINION.

In the last months, we have petitioned local leaders and the UN; we have rallied by the millions; we have marched.  Now it is time for a solemn witness and display of our profound hope and our prayers for peace.

At  www.afsc.org and  www.globalvigil.org, you will find information on how to participate in or to organize a candlelight vigil in your area.

In the most countries, vigils are being scheduled for 7:00 p.m. local time.  In areas where it is not yet dark at 7:00 p.m., organizers are asked to hold their vigils at dusk.

Our goal is to create a moving curtain of light that rolls from the Pacific around the world.

Please share this message as widely as possible.

It is particularly important for there to be vigils in the member countries of the UN Security Council:  Angola, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Chile, France, Germany, Guinea, Mexico, Pakistan, The Russian Federation, Spain, The Syrian Arab Republic, The United Kingdom, and The United States.

We recognize that other people around the world are affected by violent conflicts—current, past, and imminent.  Signs calling generally for prayers or hopes for peace are fine.

To find a vigil in your area or to register a vigil that you are planning, go to  www.globalvigil.org .

For more information about planning a faith-based vigil, visit www.afsc.org, where you will also find extensive resources on the conflict with Iraq and global work for peace.

The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization, which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service.  Its work is based on the worth of every person, and faith in the power of Love to overcome violence and injustice.