Keewaytinook Okimakanak Managers plan for final year of Smart project

Six Keewaytinook Okimakanak managers were able to get together with Carl Seibel in Thunder Bay on Thursday, March 13 to discuss plans for the final year of the Smart Communities Demonstration Project. Working with the information obtained from the first three First Nation ICT planning workshops held this year, the managers mapped out priorities and strategies to deliver on many of the community needs.

Support for the further development of KiHS in each of the KO First Nations and for the local schools’ ICT requirements was recognized as a priority. Telehealth development and migration to include all the First Nations across the region is another goal that will continue to be supported by the smart project. The Kuh-ke-nah Network will see ongoing upgrades and the introduction of more capacity for both IP video conferencing and IP telephony. Skills transfer, local human resource development and capacity building will be the focus of a series of gatherings being planned for the upcoming fiscal year. The KO Public Works team will be taking on the development of local GIS applications with each KO First Nation.

Lots to look forward to in the upcoming year and lots of work to be done by the KO Smart Team!!