Northern First Nations Hockey Tournament in Sioux Lookout

This week saw 32 hockey teams from First Nations across the Sioux Lookout Zone coming into Sioux Lookout to play their neighbouring communities. The web site ( hosted by Shibogama Technical Services is proving to be a popular place for fans to leave their congratulations for teams and players. Today the A and B side semi-finals and finals will determine who comes away as this year's champions.

CONGRATULATIONS to KINGFISHER LAKE for winning the A-side championship!!

Everyone who plays in this tournament comes away as champions because of the work and determination it takes to participate. Every year the caliber of hockey is improving with more young people having more access to the recreational facilities they need to properly prepare for this tournament. Hopefully in the next few years more First Nations across the region will be able to construct their own arenas and host their own tournaments (several are already doing this).