Gospel Meetings in Weagamow

On April 4, 5 and 6, A Gospel Jamboree will be held at the Gymnasium with verious guests on the list including the Red Sucker Lake Band from Red Sucker Lake, Manitoba.

For more information, please call Saul Keeash @ (807) 469-7441


The New Life Pentacostal Church and the One
Name Church in Weagamow Lake, will be hosting a joint service on April 25, 26 and 27.

Guest Speakers include Clark Stevenson

Roger Stevenson of Whitewood, Sask. & Darius Ferris of Calstock, Ontario

For more info please call Pastor Samson Chikane @ (807)469-1044

Or Pastor Colin Kanate @ (807) 469-1041

Or email @ newlifecenter@knet.ca