Dreamcatching 2003 and KiHS

Recently, KiHS staff members, Marlene Mckay and Jeremy Snihur, attended the Dreamcatching 2003 conference in Montreal.  Dreamcatching 2003 focused on educating First Nations youth in the areas of Mathematics and Science.  Each Dreamcatching conference also promotes a profession which requires a background in Mathematics and Science. This year's profession was Engineering and promoting Native access to Engineering programmes.

Many scientific and mathematic concepts studied today were originally used and discovered by First Nations peoples. Dreamcatching 2003 is looking to guide First Nations students in the field of Engineering. Engineers are involved in the design and construction of buildings, bridges, roads, engines and electrical machines. Engineers will be a vital resource for the development of many First Nations communities.

KiHS (Keewaytinook Internet High School) presented a workshop at the Dreamcatching 2003 conference. The KiHS workshop helped educators from all over Canada gain an understand of the role of KiHS and how KiHS is guiding First Nations students to post-secondary education.  KiHS provides local high school education through the use of computers and the internet. KiHS students have the unique opportunity of receiving high school credits while learning valuable computer skills.

To learn more, please visit the following links:

Native Access to Engineering Programme

Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS)