Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Connectivity in Aboriginal Communities researchers visit Sioux Lookout

Two researchers from the University of Manitoba were in Sioux Lookout this week meeting with different Aboriginal organizations and making arrangements for the upcoming roundtable workshop on "Connectivity in Aboriginal Communities - Increasing Aboriginal Social Capital".

Any community with video conferencing is invited to attend the Sioux Lookout roundtable. Click here to see the invitation poster


We would like to invite you to participate in a roundtable discussion about the impacts of connectivity and social capital in Aboriginal communities in Canada.  Our goal is to produce a document that reflects the potential of connectivity and information communication technology in relation to social capital in Aboriginal communities in Canada.  We will be holding roundtable meetings in various communities across Canada for interested parties to share their experiences.

Study objectives:

  1. Review the theory of social capital from as it applies from to Aboriginal people in Canada;
  2. Analyze current debates on social capital as it applies to building capacity in Aboriginal communities and institutions, and to how it relates to improvement in social, economic and health outcomes;
  3. Assess the potential and opportunities afforded by information and communication technology, and the issues and concerns that this presents for Aboriginal, federal and provincial governments;
  4. Research the roles that this technology can and does play in the formation of social capital in Aboriginal communities.

Study benefits:

  1. Provide the opportunity for participants to network with other individuals involved in ICT and connectivity in Aboriginal communities, both online and in person;
  2. Share the results by providing all participants with the final report;
  3. Support the understanding of social capital and increase awareness of the impact of social capital and information and communication technology in Aboriginal communities;
  4. Identify potential applications that contribute to Aboriginal social capital, through both direct and indirect means.

To participate please contact:

Heather Henley
Research Coordinator
Faculty of Human Ecology
University of Manitoba
204 474 7142

Please RSVP for catering purposes.

Another way to participate in this research and share your story about "Connectivity in Aboriginal Communities - Increasing Aboriginal Social Capital" is to go online and join the discussion forum to learn about this important topic. Visit for more information and to join the discussions set up for this research project.

First Nation youth share their success stories online during video conference

Members of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak team, lead by Darlene Rae, worked with Manitoba's First Nations SchoolNet team to host a two hour video conference with First Nation youth from across Ontario and Manitoba.

The video conference was held yesterday afternoon, February 20. The gathering was web streamed and archived and is available for viewing online at (on Page 4 under FNS Ont_Man Youth Conference). Please Note: viewers do require the codec for displaying these videos that will pop-up when you click on the video.

Youth presenters spoke about their work in their First Nations in supporting the introduction and development of local ICT networks and applications. Some of the presentations included:

  • Jesse Fiddler / Curtis Drake – Sandy Lake First Nation – Demonstration on line training
  • Ryan Kemash (Manitoba FNS Helpdesk) - Online support using Messenger
  • Christopher Foltz / Lisabeth Boissoneau – Garden River First Nation - the importance of ICTs in their community
  • Andrew Wavey – Fox Lake - Former Youth Intern Success Story
  • Derek Kanate – North Caribou Lake First Nation – Nov 2006 Youth Training session in Sioux Lookout
  • Richard Debassige - M'Chigeeng First Nation - A video tour of my community
  • Shauna Spence / Angeline Nelson - Orientation and Training Session June/July 2006 for Manitoba youth
  • Terry Moreau (Lac Seul) / Franz Seibel – Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute Youth Employment placement
  • Beverly Endanawas – Sheshegwaning First Nation - setting up and using the video conferencing equipment
  • Chris Guimond – Sagkeeng & Andrew Wavey – Fox Lake - Broadband Connectivity and the Community
  • Cal Kenny – Lac Seul First Nation – Video Production and online multi-media training
  • Jason Bruyere, Desmond Blacksmith - Community Contribution, Employment Enhancement and Opportunities

KO Water Plant Operator Training program looking for a new name and logo

Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence


The Keewaytinook Centre of Excellence prides itself with providing exceptional, technical water plant operator training. Students come to our Centre for water and wastewater training programs.

We are looking for a fresh NEW look.

We would like you to design a logo for our Centre to compliment what we do here, which is watertraining.

Contest Contact Information:

Paul Otis—Program Manager
Susan Lappage—Program Assistant
Suite 209– 100 Casimir Ave
Dryden, ON P8N 3L4
Toll Free—1-866-889-1135
Fax: 807-223-8426

The Logo should be:


In addition to a Logo, help us out with a unique new Name for our Centre.

Each class may submit one Name.


FAX ENTRIES TO: 807-223-8426




Kuhkenah Network ICT story shared at Yellowknife conference

K-Net Coordinator, Brian Beaton is presenting at the Connect NWT conference (see for more information) on Tuesday, Feb 6.

His presentation, "ICTs at work in remote communities" will highlight the work being IT infrastructrue and application development work being completed in Aboriginal communities across Ontario.

Pictures of the trip to Yellowknife to attend the conference along with short tours of nearby Aboriginal communities (Ndilo and Dettah) are being posted at

Inviting all homepage users to share their stories and experiences

Everyone is invited to share their myknet story and experiences within the online discussion forum at ...

Please encourage other people you know who use MyKnet for their homepage to join these discussions as well so they too can share their myknet experiences within this online sharing space.

The K-Net team is working with three graduate students who are writing a paper about MyKnet. Adam Fiser (Toronto), Philipp Budka (Vienna) and Brandi Bell (Montreal) are interested in speaking with as many people as possible who have been using MyKnet over the years or who began using MyKnet and are now using some other service for their homepage.

If all goes well MyKnet will be featured in a special "Social Network" edition of the Journal of Computer Mediated Communications alongside Myspace and Youtube.

The three PhD graduate candidates would like to spend some time with you online (email, chat) or over the phone, to discuss your experience with MyKnet?  Their deadline for producing this paper is February 28th.

They are trying to address three major themes in their paper:

 1) The History of MyKnet.
 2) The Role of Youth.
 3) Cultural issues and opportunities.

They want to talk with and hear from as many of MyKnet's pioneer users and innovators and write the paper using as many original voices as they can. Maybe you could suggest some other people for them to contact as well?

Please visit their research site on the meeting space.

It would be GREAT if you would be willing to share your MyKnet story and experience with others within this online discussion. You need to sign up for a Meeting Space account if you do not already have one.

This opportunity would really help them with their paper and let others know about your work on myknet!

Thanks for your help with this work!

Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown

The chiefs from the six Keewaytinook Okimakanak member First Nations are meeting for the next two days (January 23, 24) in Balmertown.

Topics of discussion include:

  • Finance planning and reporting
  • Advisory services development and implementation
  • Partnership discussions (Thunder Bay Telephone)

First Nation SchoolNet team meets with new INAC program administration

The six First Nations SchoolNet Regional Management Organizations (RMOs) from across Canada met via video conference with the new program administration on Friday, January 12. This was the first RMO meeting with INAC officials since the December 1 announcement that the First Nations SchoolNet program would be moved from Industry Canada to INAC.

Juliet Balfour, Director of Operations - Education Branch, Indian & Northern Affairs Canada,  chaired the meeting. She provided an update on the work that has been completed to date and the work that is required to ensure the program is able to continue beyond its March 31, 2007 end date. She praised the RMOs for their past successes and indicated that the transfer from one federal department to another is a good indication that the program is viewed positively by the government.

The INAC officials are now preparing a Memorandum to Cabinet to continue the program for the next two years.

The First Nations SchoolNet program has provided FN schools across the country with the dollars required to construct and pay for broadband connectivity solutions so students in these remote and rural community can develop online skills and resources. In previous years, the FNS program also provided professional development training and workshop, online activities along with the hardware and software resources required to support the use of these broadband connections.

First Nation leaders and schools are encouraged to lobby INAC officials, especial INAC Minister Prentice, at every opportunity to ensure this funding program is continued.

KO team travel to Toronto to meet with MOH, SSHA and OTN officials

Penny Carpenter, K-Net's Business Manager and Donna Williams, KO Teleheatlh Manager travelled to Toronto this week to meet with:

  • Ministry of Health's e-Health and Aboriginal Liaison office;
  • Smart Systems for Health office
  • Ontario Telehealth Network office.

Penny attended these meetings to

  • introduce the developments happening within the Kuhkenah Network with additional broadband connections being established in a number of Aboriginal health sites; and 
  • identify strategies and needs to have all the Aboriginal health sites begin to receive equitable access to the Smart Systems for Health Agency network services and resources.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak extends best wishes for 2007 to everyone

WELCOME to 2007!!

The team at Keewaytinook Okimakanak would like extend BEST WISHES to everyone for his new year.

May the coming months bring good health, happiness and prosperity to one and all.

It is through everyone's efforts to work together, to help each other and to care about our neighbours that we each are able to contribute to a safe and growing environment.

Our children and future generations depend upon us!

We look forward to working with everyone once again in this new year.

KO staff participate in Contact North video conferencing training workshop

Lyle Johnson, K-Net's Video Conferencing Bridge Coordinator, spent this past week in Sudbury participating in a Contact North hosted Bridge Operator's Training session. The training was facilitated by Polycom, the supplier of the Accord bridge that we use.

Lyle's report includes ...

All in all a very good week of learing and collaboration...   There was one particpant in Sudbury, and 2 in Thunder Bay.  I learned quickly how much that I really did not know about our bridge and maximizing its resources.

Hopefully, I will be able to effectively pass on my learnings to K-Net staff, so that we may better serve the needs of the First Nations that we are so proud to serve.

See the outline below about topics covered during the week.

Through Hands-on Exercises You Will Learn How To...

  • Install and operate MGC MCUs and Manager, including Voice/VideoPlus
  • Install and operate WebCommander and Access Database, SQL server and Accord SQL database
  • Modify the Internet Information Services (IIS) and Server remote database login requirements
  • Manage the servers and fault files
  • Install and integrate the Gatekeeper database; configure gatekeeper conferences
  • Install WebCommander and Admin tables
  • Define conference and participant templates to run all variations of conferences
  • Build Meeting rooms, entry queues and IVRs
  • Customize and convert audio and video clips
  • Create a centralized database and configure details of the administrator tables

Course Description

The Polycom Technical Maintenance course is a hands-on program covering system installation, configuration, operation, and maintenance of the MGC and the connected Manager Workstation. The curriculum is delivered in a combination of lecture and laboratory exercises.

Note: Course does not include Voice/VideoPlus or Gateway.


  • Technical support engineers; help desk technicians, field service technicians
  • System Administrators & Operators Prerequisites
  • Knowledge of Networks and Windows
  • H.320 standards and H.323 standards


I. Introduction and Overview Multipoint
•Elements of a Video conference
•Elements of H.320 & H.323 Standards
•Functions and features of the MGC Releases

II. Introduction to Polycom MGC Manager
•Model Descriptions & Specifications
•Network Interfaces and Processors Revs.
•Overview of Workstation

III. Installation and Configuration
•Identify Processing Module Units and properties •Identify Network Interface Modules and properties •Install MGC Manager Software •File Maintenance and File Directory Structure

IV. Intro. To Work Station-MGC Manager
•PC Manager software, loading, requirements •Defining Operators and System configuration file •Starting the Application and connection •Windows Navigation of the MGC Manager

V. Set-up Management Interfaces
•Configure MGC for LAN or Dial/Direct Com •Set-up LAN for MGC Manager •Set-up COM Port for Serial MGC Manager

VI. Configurations of MCS, Network Interfaces, Troubleshooting Lab Exercises over 4 days
– Lab 1 – Setup LAN Management Port
– Lab 2 – Configure ISDN Primary Rate and T1/E1
– Lab 3 – IP / H.323 / SIP Configurations
– Lab 4 – Configure MCU Clocking
– Lab 5 - Configure V35/RS449 MPI Interface
– Lab 6 - Cascade MCU’s and Internal Cascade

VII. Create Network and Sites for Labs
•Create, Edit and Configure Network Resource •Create and Define Site Records Templates •Setup Dial-In vs. Dial-Out for all Labs

VIII.Define and Conduct Conference for Labs
•Create and Manage Conference Templates •Audio/Video/Content/Data – T.120 Conferences •Control / Verify Sites w/ MGC Manager •Scheduling and Conference Reservations •Reoccurrence Reservations •Auto Add, Meet Me Sites; Meeting Rooms, Meet Me Services

IX. Maintenance
•Read CDR log, resource report, monitor status window •Collect Trace files on a Video conference •Faults Log and Major Vs. Minor Alarms •Understanding Alarms and Faults

X. External & Internal Cascading
•What is Cascading?
•Launch Cascading
•Simple and H243 Cascading
•Manage Cascading Content

XI. Backup and Restore Operations

XII. Greet and Guide Operations
•Overview of MGC-100 Subsystem Process
•System Parameters
•MCU Utilities and MCU Date/Time

XIII.IP Configuration
•H.323 Configuration
•MCU IP addressing

XIV.LEDs and Card and Power supply status
•Main Control Unit •Card Indicators •Power Supply Indicators

XV. MCU Troubleshooting
•Reset MCU Vs. Reset Modules
•Disabling and Enabling Units
•IP Terminal Traces
•Fault Log details; Logger Diagnostic files  •Alarms •Troubleshooting Site connectivity •Loop Backs and Diagnosing Errors •SNMP MGC - MIBs