Ontario steps up to ensure First Nations Technical Institute survives for another year

From Macleans.ca

First Nation’s Technical Institute avoids closure — for one year

By Macleans.ca | April 1st, 2008

Feds can't shirk responsibility for aboriginal education programs: minister

Ontario may have given a one-year reprieve to a First Nations post-secondary school in the province, but that doesn’t mean the federal government can shirk its responsibility to fund important aboriginal programs, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Michael Bryant said Tuesday.The First National Technical Institute near Belleville, Ont., can stay open another year after getting a $1.5-million cheque from the province Tuesday. The future of the school on the Tyendinaga Mohawk reserve was in doubt after the federal government trimmed its annual funding to the institution.

While federal Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl hailed the funding as the “Ontario government recognizing its responsibility for aboriginal post-secondary education,” Bryant said he hopes that comment is “an April Fool’s joke.”

The provincial funding only tides the school over until Ottawa lives up to its constitutional responsibility, Bryant said.

“Obviously this is federal jurisdiction, as obvious as national defence and lighthouses are a federal jurisdiction,” Bryant said, adding the province felt compelled to save the school. “We just couldn’t stand idly by.”

The First Nations Technical Institute, founded in 1985, is the longest standing aboriginal post-secondary school in Ontario and offers programs in partnership with colleges and universities in a range of studies, including social work, public administration and aviation.

The “renowned and respected” school has graduated more than 2,000 First Nations students, Bryant said, adding the funding will ensure “many, many more” students graduate and enter the workforce.

The province saved the school from the brink of closure by “intercepting the pink slips which literally had been sent out,” Bryant said. But it’s up to the federal government to ensure the long-term survival of the institution, he added.

“In the long run, this is not sustainable,” Bryant said. “There is a treasury for federal responsibilities and a tax base for federal responsibilities. At some point, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and that’s exactly what we did. We had to step in. Over my dead political body were those doors going to close.”

In Ottawa, Strahl released a statement saying he was encouraged to see Ontario live up to its responsibility to fund aboriginal post-secondary education.

For the third year in a row, Strahl said the federal government gave the school $528,000 over and above its annual funding to ensure it could finish the semester. But the school should start looking for “alternative funding sources” from the private sector, the business community, alumni and the Ontario government, Strahl added.

“While the government of Canada does provide annual funding to FNTI, post-secondary education institutions are normally a provincial responsibility,” Strahl’s statement said.

“We remain committed to working with FNTI officials to find creative solutions to their current difficulties and to help it evolve into a fully self-sufficient and sustainable educational institution.”


Ontario press release ... 

Ontario Helping Aboriginal Students Succeed - Government Boosts Investment In First Nations Technical Institute

TORONTO, April 1

The First Nations Technical Institute will continue to provide high-quality programs to Aboriginal students in a new partnership with the Ontario government.

The new partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities will help the institute develop a long-term plan to deliver a quality educational experience for Aboriginal students. A one-time, $1.5-million investment will guarantee that it will continue to welcome students.

The institute is Aboriginal owned and controlled. Founded in 1985, it is the oldest Aboriginal postsecondary institute (http://www.fnti.net/) in Ontario.


"Together with the First Nations Technical Institute, we're strengthening Ontario by helping Aboriginal students reach their full potential," said Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities John Milloy (http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/general/biography/tcu_minister.html).

"We are pleased to work with the Government of Ontario to ensure that our students can complete their programs of study for this year," said Karihwakeron Tim Thompson, president and CAO, First Nations Technical Institute. "We continue to strive to achieve equity and fairness in postsecondary education."

"Training means jobs," said Minister of Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant. "The First Nations Technical Institute is the starting point for more jobs, a stronger economy, and a brighter future for the Tyendinaga community and Ontario's First Nations students."

"For more than twenty years, the First Nations Technical Institute has helped Aboriginal people from this community and across the province find success through postsecondary education," said Prince Edward-Hastings MPP Leona Dombrowsky. "I am pleased that we are able to strengthen the partnership with the institute."


- 90 per cent of First Nations Technical Institute graduates find jobs.

- More than 2,000 students have graduated from the institute in its 22-year history.

- Ontario government funding to the institute increased to $1.7 million last year.

- Between 1985 and 2007, the federal government provided operating funds to the institute. In 2008, federal funding will decrease by almost 75 per cent.


Find out how Ontario supports Aboriginal education

Explore what you can do after high school (http://www.gov.on.ca/ont/portal/!ut/p/.cmd/cs/.ce/7_0_A/.s/7_0_252/_s.7_0_A/7_0_252/_l/en?docid=004441).


Founded in 1985, the First Nations Technical Institute is the longest standing Aboriginal postsecondary institute in Ontario. It is located on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, a First Nations community near Belleville, and is Aboriginal owned and operated.

The institute offers postsecondary programs, in partnership with colleges and universities, in a range of areas, including social work, public administration and aviation. It also offers community programs such as the Tyendinaga Justice Circle.

More than 2,000 students have graduated from the institute in its 22-year history, with 90 per cent of graduates going on to find jobs.


The number of Aboriginal students pursuing postsecondary education across Ontario is on the rise and Ontario is committed to ensuring that every Aboriginal student reaches their full potential.

In 2007-08, Ontario invested $24 million in Aboriginal postsecondary education and training. This investment includes $10 million for projects at colleges and universities that are aimed at helping Aboriginal students succeed at the postsecondary level.

Students can visit the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities' YourFuture (http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/yourfuture/index.html) website to find out more about attending a college, university or apprenticeship program.


For further information: Annette Phillips, Minister's Office, (416) 326-5748; Kevin Dove, Communications Branch, (416) 325-2746