Community News

UN Indigenous Fellowship Program call for applicants to study human rights and indigenous issues

Call for Applicants: UN Indigenous Fellowship Programme

KO First Nations and their partners give Carl Seibel a virtual send-off on his new adventures

On Tuesday afternoon, the Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak and their partners from across Canada honoured Carl Seibel as he retires from Industry Canada's FedNor program in Thunder Bay. Carl is now venturing forth (after his two week vacation in Florida) into the fun-filled world of doing all those things that he has always wanted to do.

A 4 minute video clip of Carl describing his work with Keewaytinook Okimakanak was shown and is available online.

Updates on inquests into deaths in Kashechewan First Nation and the Poplar Hill student

Press release from Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

New date for inquest into the death of Reggie Bushie announced

    TORONTO, March 3 /CNW/ - Dr. Bonita Porter, Deputy Chief Coroner for Inquests, today announced further details on the inquest into the death of Reggie Bushie.

    The body of Reggie Bushie, 15, was recovered from the McIntyre River in Thunder Bay on November 1, 2007. He had last been seen alive at the riverside on October 26, 2007.

Internal government documents detail how changes to First Nation governance will be addressed

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail

Secret documents reveal sweeping new rules for natives

Native leaders warned Ottawa not to re-open the governance file unless it's willing to hold wide-ranging consultations but classified papers show government moving ahead.

BILL CURRY - March 3, 2009

North Caribou Lake First Nation Youth complete Second "Prayer" Walk to Muskrat Dam

GET Youth Ministries, a youth group from North Caribou Lake completed their second prayer walk to their neighbouring community of Muskrat Dam on Saturday Feb 28.

The walk took approx. 18 hours, 2 hours earlier than planned.

The mission of this walk was to pray against all the activities that have been deeply hurting many communities in the last while such as drugs and alcohalism, suicides, murders, etc.

NOSCP Community Forests Conference webstream MARCH 4-5, 2009 from Thunder Bay

All are welcome to join 

the Northern Ontario Sustainable Communities Partnership Community Forests Conference


Webstream WED-THURS, MARCH 4-5, 2009 CLICK HERE. 

Man donates $40,000 residential school settlement to Siloam Mission in Winnipeg

Man donates $40,000 residential school settlement to Siloam Mission 

He’s given all his life ... as a young man my Uncle William (Bill) Woodford enlisted and went to fight a war to insure that his friends and family from Fairford First Nation could enjoy the freedom of today.

I remember when he lived with us upon his return that his manners were beyond reproach.

He continued to be a “soldier” even to this day, he talks with the “no sir, yes sir” army style jargon.

Third Annual Provincial High School Adventure Challenge scheduled for May in Huntsville

From the web site

3rd Annual Provincial High School Adventure Challenge! 

Mountain bike, paddle, and trek
non-stop over 25km of wilderness terrain with only a map and compass challenging your limits, teamwork and knowledge of the outdoors!

Test your abilities, push your limits, get outdoors, get dirty, find out what you are capable of, and meet friends from across Ontario!

Global use of mobile phones moves Canada to 19th position in UN communications technology ranks


Canada drops in UN communications technology ranking

March 2, 2009

Canada's reputation as a leader in information and communications technology took a hit Monday after it dropped out of a United Nations report's rankings of the top 10 most developed countries.