KO First Nations and their partners give Carl Seibel a virtual send-off on his new adventures

On Tuesday afternoon, the Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak and their partners from across Canada honoured Carl Seibel as he retires from Industry Canada's FedNor program in Thunder Bay. Carl is now venturing forth (after his two week vacation in Florida) into the fun-filled world of doing all those things that he has always wanted to do.

A 4 minute video clip of Carl describing his work with Keewaytinook Okimakanak was shown and is available online.

Click here to view Carl's description of his work with KO

A slide show about the projects and events that Carl and KO undertook over the past ten years was shown and is also available online.

Click here to view the KO slide show about Carl and KO's telecom work with FedNor

The entire 1.5 hour videoconference is available online for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Click here to watch Carl's retirement party hosted by KO and our partners.

Florence Woolner produced and shared the following special commentary about Carl's work ...


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sybelspace or Seibelspace – from the Greek (sybelmetes meaning steersman, governor, pilot, or rudder) is the Northwest Ontario domain of Carl Seibel accessed through Seibel.Carl@ic.gc.ca and exploited through unflagging commitment and energy to achieve a wide range of life enhancing communications infrastructure fired by very big dishes. The term Seibelspace is rooted in the science of Seibelnetics founded by Seibel and based on Beatonism, a pioneering principle of believing in the unbelievable. Through its magnetic nature, Seibelspace integrates a number of capabilities (connections, signals, transmission, processors and contribution agreements) and generates a virtual interactive experience accessed for the purpose of giving people the tools they need to do what they need to do – only better – regardless of their geographic location. In pragmatic terms Seibelspace has made possible an interdependent network of information technology infrastructures such as Internet, computer systems, integrated sensors and in a few cases POTs. As a social experience, individuals use Seibelspace to interact, exchange ideas, share information, provide social support, conduct business, view ears noses and throats, create artistic media, engage in political discussions and in general do what they have to do. Seibelspace has now become a conventional term to describe anything associated with any space it is good to be in. It has become synonymous in Northwestern Ontario for a “goodspace” or a “great space”. The founder departs his job soon but it is understood that the space itself remains and grows and continues to contribute to the lives of many, many people and you will always find the founder in it whether he is there in person or just in spirit.