North Caribou Lake First Nation Youth complete Second "Prayer" Walk to Muskrat Dam

GET Youth Ministries, a youth group from North Caribou Lake completed their second prayer walk to their neighbouring community of Muskrat Dam on Saturday Feb 28.

The walk took approx. 18 hours, 2 hours earlier than planned.

The mission of this walk was to pray against all the activities that have been deeply hurting many communities in the last while such as drugs and alcohalism, suicides, murders, etc.

The group were met near the community by NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy and the Anglican Bishop of Indeginous Peoples of Canada, Mark Mcdonald who encouraged the youth to continue doing what they were doing as they were overly happy to see what was taking place.

The walkers, aged from 6 to 25, were also joined by other community members including members from Big Trout Lake and Bearskin Lake.

The walk ended with a celebration of honking semi trucks just outside the community of Muskrat Dam where parents even dropped their children off to join in the walk.

A greeting line was formed as the walkers arrived where the local jamboree had been taking place.

To view photos and blogs of this walk please visit