OFNSTC Opens Annual Conference with Fort Severn participation

Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation's Annual Conference, "Tradition and Technology for a Better Tomorrow" was opened by Fort Severn Elder Elijah Stoney and Chief George Kakakespan joining the conference by video conference. Aut_0148.jpg Elder Elijah Stoney said a prayer for the gathering from the Fort Severn First Nation band office. Chief George Kakekaspan said a few words to the conference participants about the importance of these communication tools for his community.

Aut_0152.jpgWorking in partnership with Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Bell Canada and Adcom, OFNTSC Conference participants will be able to link with different Tribal Councils and First Nations that have access to video conferencing services during the trade show scheduled for Wednesday, Oct 9. A workshop session is also scheduled for Thursday to discuss the different issues surrounding developing and sustaining video conferencing connections in the different organizations and First Nations.

See additional pictures at http://photos.knet.ca/OFNTSC-conference

Fort William First Nation...Open House!


Fort William First Nation had it's open house o­n September 20, 2002. Initially things were slow, but picked up in mid afternoon. We had about 15 people from around the community come and check out our site. A few showed interest in enrollment into the program, so, hopefully we will have some more new faces around the KiHS center here in FWFN. We have a picture of the school attached. Come and visit us anytime!

Thank you for your time...

Teacher/Mentor...Craig H
Classroom Technician...Aaron H
Aaron B., Luke B. Andrew P., Kara P., Coty K., Joseph C., Trevor W., Nathan M., Jesse B., George S., Rob M., Summer B., Jamie B., Brenda H., Terry L., Lyle P., Sara G., Lucas S...and more to come!!! ...be happy and smile

New K-Net News Site

We have a new K-Net News site which should make submitting your News Stories much easier.  Included is a new HTML editor and the ability to add pictures to your news stories.

Fort Severn Community Economic Development Strategic Planning Session 2002

The week September 30th to October 3rd Fort Severn hosted a Community Economic Development Strategic Planning Session at the local  youth centre. The host was Victoria Matthews our local resource worker. The workshop facilitator was Peter Dixon from Macleod Farley and Associates. Refreshments of coffee and cookies were provided.

The elders, youth and Chief and Council were invited to provide their input o­n developing an up-to-date economic development strategic plan for Fort Severn First Nation. 

See Photos from the workshop at http://photos.knet.ca/albun02

Keewaytinook Okimakanak meets with Cisco Systems Networking Academy

Two representatives from Cisco Systems Networking Academy travelled to Sioux Lookout o­n September 30, 2002 to meet with K-Net staff. Anne Miller, Canadian Education Marketing Manager and Jane Brooke, Senior Education Technical Specialist are exploring strategies to deliver their training programs in rural and remote First Nations. Anne and Jane are working with a number of First Nation organizations across Canada to partner in the development and delivery a training program delivery strategy that will best serve learners located in rural and remote First Nations. For more information o­n Cisco Career Certifications visit http://www.cisco.com/training and check out the pictures of the visit.

The Barge Arrives in Fort Severn

The barge run from Moosonee arrived in Fort Severn. Excitement is everywhere across the local community as the barge delivers housing material, gas, fuel, and store goods.

See Photos

Fort Severn PSW Workshop 2002

On September  24 to 26, 2000, Fort Severn hosted a  Personal Support Worker Workshop.  Kaaren Olsen of  Keewaytinook Okimakanak came in to coordinate the Workshop.  Five woman from the community,  including Diane Bluecoat, the Home Care Coordinator, participated in the workshop.

See Photos

Wild Country has a new service....

In order to better service the needs of the northern communities we are pleased to offer you a direct flight from Red Lake to Winnipeg starting Monday September 30th at 12:00 noon. You can fly from your northern home to Red Lake and continue o­n to Winnipeg for an additional $95.00 each. We will be using the same location that we previously used o­n Allen Dyne just off Sargent Avenue at Winnipeg International.

We are currently offering seat sales and lower freight costs to all of our northern communities. please call us and see what we can do for you.

toll free # 1-800-465-3292

MyKnet.org surpasses 1,000 home pages.

As of today there were approximately 1144 user home pages o­n myknet.org.  If there are features you wish to see o­n this feel free to send an email to jessefiddler@knet.ca.

If it can be accomodated we will add it to the list of features.  Remember, this is something that everybody looks at so remember to respect community standards of decency and good taste.

Fort Severn KIHS Open House

On Thursday September 19, 2002  Fort Severn KiHS ( Keewaytinook Okimakanak High school) had an Open House.

The teacher, Rainford Cornish and his Classroom Assistant Bessie Turtle were greeting the community explaining to community how KihS operates, and amazingly all the students, showed up along with the parents, asking questions of how there children are progressing in this new school year.

The event included coffee & tea , juice, along with snacks Cookies, Chips, Crackers  cheese,  and a door prize.

The turn out of this event was also a success, We had the local education Director Matthew Kakekaspan, Councillors Ken Thomas,Moses kakekaspan, Chief George Kakekaspan along with all the  education staff, Principal and Teachers and members of the community.

see pictures   http://photos.knet.ca/album97