Fort Severn KIHS Open House

On Thursday September 19, 2002  Fort Severn KiHS ( Keewaytinook Okimakanak High school) had an Open House.

The teacher, Rainford Cornish and his Classroom Assistant Bessie Turtle were greeting the community explaining to community how KihS operates, and amazingly all the students, showed up along with the parents, asking questions of how there children are progressing in this new school year.

The event included coffee & tea , juice, along with snacks Cookies, Chips, Crackers  cheese,  and a door prize.

The turn out of this event was also a success, We had the local education Director Matthew Kakekaspan, Councillors Ken Thomas,Moses kakekaspan, Chief George Kakekaspan along with all the  education staff, Principal and Teachers and members of the community.

see pictures