The Keewaytinook Internet High School is putting on a new face this coming school year. This year there will be thirteen KiHS classrooms located in First Nations across the north (
The teaching staff of KiHS ( met in KO's Balmertown office last week to receive their
orientation session before flying off to their respective communities. Last week, the First Nation classrooms were being set up by the
Classroom Assistants who met the week before in Balmertown for their training session.
Last school year, KiHS used WebCT as our on-line e-learning environment but we struggled with the learning curve for both the teachers and students. As well, the price for WebCT was just getting too high for our small school. So this past winter the decision was made to create our own e-learning environment. Margaret Fiddler lead the crew of two (Jesse Fiddler and
Steven Zussino) in building this on-line open source e-learning space which can be seen at (just write to get access to the guest account to see the various on-line tools being used).
This new e-learning environment will be of interest to any teacher involved in teaching any high school course through distance education. It would be great if other groups in the region wanted to take this tool and adapt it for their own use. We are inviting other educators to identify ways that we can work together to share in this new resource.