Kashechewan First Nation announces the passing of a respected community leader

Chief and Council Saddened by the Passing of an Elder

Kashechewan ON April 12, 2010 – The Chief and Council would like to announce the passing of a respected community leader George A. Wesley who died peacefully on April 9, 2010 at the Timmins and District Hospital in Timmins, Ontario. 

George A. Wesley as we all know served on various boards and was well known throughout the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation for his attendances in conferences and meetings.

He served on the boards of Nishnawbe-Aski Police Services, Wawatay, NAN Elders Council, Mushkegowuk Council, and was currently serving as the elder for Kashechewan Health Services. 

He not only lobbied in providing advisory services to the Chiefs, he was also an active member of the community taking a stand for the young population. 

Back in 2005, elder George Wesley lost a son to a jail fire in Kashechewan. The tragic event has led to an inquest in 2009 with recommendations made to enhance the impoverished police stations and services throughout NAN. 

A memory page has been set up on Facebook titled “In Loving Memory of George Alexander Wesley.” The page was set up to assist the family with their great loss.

The funeral services for George A. Wesley will be held in Kashechewan, Ontario on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 with viewing of the body commencing at 11:00 a.m. and the interment service beginning at 1:00 p.m.  

For more information, please contact: 

Conredge Solomon, Director of Communications
William Sutherland, Deputy Chief