Matawa First Nations challenging government and industry to do meaningful consultations


Ring of Fire – Is Trouble in Mining Country coming?

Ring of Fire

Exploration in the Ring of Fire is ongoing

Chief of Fort Severn First Nation travelling to Paris to present findings on polar bear study

From the Thunder Bay Chroncile Journal

Bear researchers head to France

By Karen McKinley

Local knowledge is key to preserving Ontario's polar bear population, says the chief of a remote First Nation community.

So, Washaho Cree Nation Chief Matthew Kakekaspan is heading to Paris, France to present the findings of an ongoing study into the polar bear population of the province's remote North.

SLFNHA and Wawatay hosting Radiothon and Youth Platform starting 6pm on Jan 14

DEAR Community Members, Parents, Teachers, Grandparents:

During the weekend of January 14th to 17th, 2011 Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) and Wawatay Native Communications Society are joining forces to present a Radio-a-thon, there will also be a platform for youth to discuss issues and events in their social environment.

Native Nurses Entry Program at Lakehead University application deadline April 15

Would You Like TO BE A NURSE?

If you are of Aboriginal Ancestry

(Status, Non-Status, Metis, or Inuit) and:

Campaign to "Stop The Meter On Your Internet Use" attempts to reverse CRTC ruling

Stop The Meter On Your Internet Use

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Two upcoming Wawatay Radio programs highlight biblical-based addictions options

Wawatay Radio
Biblical-based Addictions Program

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

6:00 pm  -  Opening Prayer by Reverend Levi McKay

6:05 pm  -  Comments by Reverend Levi McKay

6:15 pm  -  Opening Comments by Mike Morris • Some History from Kitchenuhmaykoosib • NNADAP • Present Treatment Process(es)

6:30 pm  -  Introduction of Maurice Chisel

63:0-7:00 pm  -  Maurice Chisel
• Teen Challenge
• First Nations Teen Challenge Program

Pelican Falls First Nations High School Volleyball tournament on Feb 12 in Sioux Lookout

Pelican Falls

8th Annual Volleyball Tournament

Mens and Womens Divsions

Feb 12th

$150.00 per team

first 8 teams to pay per division will enter

contact Duane Ogemah 582-3908 home

Fort Severn First Nation receives grant from Tides Foundation's Honour the Earth program

From a message dated December 29, 2010


Honor the Earth’s board of advisors has selected Fort Severn Cree First Nation to receive funding through our Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative.  The grant amount is $5,000 and is to be used for Fort Severn Wind Power Project.

First Nation Little Bands Youth Hockey Tournament 2011 in Sioux Lookout, Feb 14-20

Little Bands Native Youth Hockey Tournament 2011

February 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2011

Sioux Lookout Arena

5 Divisions

1. Novice - 5, 6, 7 years old

2. Atoms - 7, 8, 9 years old

3. Peewees - 9, 10, 11, 12 years old

4. Bantams - 12, 13, 14, 15 years old