2010 Casey Noon Memorial Relay Run completed from Pelican Falls to Red Lake

The Red Lake Native Youth Running Club finished a memorial relay run in memory of the late, Red Lake Native Youth Running Club member, Casey Noon who passed away November 29, 1990. This Run began at the former Pelican Lake Indian Residential School site, November 27 and ended at the Red Lake Indian Friendship Center, November 30.

Support extended to Residential School Survivors for moving through Individual Assessment Process

Press Release

Canada Invests an Additional $4 Million in Healing and Reconciliation

Ottawa, Ontario (December 1, 2010) – The Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, today announced that $4 million will be allocated in the 2010-2011 fiscal year under the Advocacy and Public Information Program (APIP).

Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Winnipeg for annual Christmas gathering

The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak are meeting with KO staff and guests in Winnipeg, Dec 2 and 3, 2010 to discuss First Nation and tribal council business.

Guests included:

  • Gideon Group
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation
    • Grand Chief Stan Beardy,
    • Deputy Grand Chief Mike Metatawabin,
    • Deputy Grand Chief Les Louttit
  • Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund - Harvey Yesno, CEO

For pictures from the gathering, please visit:

Australia government to develop $35 billion fiber optic high-speed national broadband network

From Business Week

ANBERRA, Australia

Australia's House of Representatives approved key legislation Monday that enables the government to roll out a 36 billion Australian dollar ($35 billion) fiber optic high-speed national broadband network.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard, whose center-left Labor Party does not hold a majority in either of the two parliamentary chambers, had to negotiate with lawmakers from the minor Greens party and independents to get the bill approved.

Elders Christmas Visitation invitation for December 9 videoconference

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Putting the ‘Last-Mile’ First final report highlights First Nation broadband innovation

December 1, 2010

The final report, Putting the ‘Last-Mile’ First: Re-framing Broadband Development in First Nations and Inuit Communities, is now available for download on the project website:


Moose Cree and Sandy Lake First Nations partner with Right to Play for hockey development

From Wawataynews.ca

Moose Cree, Sandy Lake have Right to Play

November 30, 2010

Toronto Maple Leafs defenceman Luke Schenn interacts with a youth from Sandy Lake during the launch of a Right to Play initiative with Sandy Lake and Moose Cree First Nation.

First Nation Successful Student Program (FNSSP) gathering in TBay live web cast

The Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre and all the First Nation partner schools are gathering in Thunder Bay for their FNSSP conference (Dec 1 to 3).

Everyone is invited to join watch the presenters and the conference in progress by going to http://meeting.knet.ca and double click on the live meeting gathering.

For more information about the FNSSP project please consider enrolling in the project web site at http://fnssp.knet.ca