SLFNHA and Wawatay hosting Radiothon and Youth Platform starting 6pm on Jan 14

DEAR Community Members, Parents, Teachers, Grandparents:

During the weekend of January 14th to 17th, 2011 Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority (SLFNHA) and Wawatay Native Communications Society are joining forces to present a Radio-a-thon, there will also be a platform for youth to discuss issues and events in their social environment.

The Radio-a-thon is a joint fundraising effort that will support two causes: Mikinakoos, the short term assessment and treatment unit run by SLFNHA, and SEVEN Youth Media Network run by Wawatay.

Our youth in the Sioux Lookout Area have become disenfranchised.  Drugs, alcohol, poverty, they’re all contributing factors, and we want to create a forum for youth to discuss how they’ve been affected by these issues, as well as how they’ve overcome them or steps they might take to overcome them. 

Not only does our Radiothon ‘Juvenescence’ provide an opportunity for this discussion to take place, but we will be raising money for programs that help further our objectives of combating those problems.

Mikinakoos has been designed to meet the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of Aboriginal youth who require residential services due to dysfunctions that cannot be addressed at the community level.  This program provides cultural, clinical, educational and recreational supports , which empower residents to use their own strengths and develop skills to continue on their path of healing.  The program has been working wonderfully and has been at capacity for most of its existence.  Unfortunately, it originally operated at a loss and we’re trying to help save a vital program for the rehabilitation of our youth.

SEVEN -Youth Media Network was created to represent and make an impact on the Seventh Generation. The name is influenced by the Seven Sacred Teachings and a Nishnawbe prophecy that said the Seventh Generation would be the one to turn things around for our people.  SEVEN provides Aboriginal Youth in Northern Ontario with opportunities to share their struggles and triumphs, hopes and fears, and stories and creativity.  In expressing themselves through media, participating youth develop communication skills, gain self-confidence and experience personal growth.  At the same time, they support, inform, and inspire their peers in creating a positive change and celebrating life. The content produce by SEVEN is used as case-study material and in class resources by schools and is well respected for its youth-serving content. Unfortunately, they will no longer have funding in the New Year.

I’m sure you can appreciate the importance of keeping these two outlets for youth in existence and that’s why we’re asking for your support.  We are looking for guests, comments and ideas to share with the listeners during Juvenescence. 

Blocks of programming are available for sponsorship. We are not a charitable organization, so we are not authorized to provide a tax receipt for your sponsorship.

Should you donate an amount of $500.00 Please submit a write up to promote throughout the Radiothon or call 807 737 6110 and speak with Naomi to schedule a time to personally pre-record message at Wawatay or send in your message with MP3 quality or WAV. format.


“This hour is sponsored by ________________” at the beginning and end of the hour and the sponsorship will be mentioned a minimum of 5 times for the hour.  For this sponsorship we can also read an appropriate message of your choosing once during the hour.  Sponsorship will not permit you to choose content for the hour.

We appreciate your support for and of the YOUTH!

Contact Person:
Naomi Hoppe 
1-800-842-0681 ext 6110

Click here for a copy of the letter for distribution