Fort Severn First Nation receives grant from Tides Foundation's Honour the Earth program

From a message dated December 29, 2010


Honor the Earth’s board of advisors has selected Fort Severn Cree First Nation to receive funding through our Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative.  The grant amount is $5,000 and is to be used for Fort Severn Wind Power Project.

Your grant will be issued by the Tides Foundation, our fiscal agent.  A recommendation to Tides Foundation has already been sent and you will be contacted soon to make arrangements for disbursement of the grant, which usually takes a minimum of 2-4 weeks.

In addition to the reporting requirements outlined in the Tides Foundation’s award letter please also submit reporting materials directly to Honor the Earth no later than December 31st, 2011. Please also send digital photos (high resolution, if possible) of your work at any time to the e-mail address below.  If you have any questions regarding this grant please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for your work!


Tom Reed
Program & Operations Manager
Honor the Earth
(612) 879 7529