
December 4th

Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown for annual Christmas gathering

The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak are meeting with their staff and guests to review the work being completed by the organization and provide direction totheir staff on programs and services required by their community.

Some of the meeting highlights include:

December 3rd

Inquest into Poplar Hill First Nation student death exploring impact of youth leaving home for school

Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services press release

Location for inquest into the death of Reggie Bushie announced

    TORONTO, Dec. 1 /CNW/ - Dr. Bonita Porter, Deputy Chief Coroner for Inquests, today announced a location for the inquest into the death of Reggie Bushie.

    The body of Reggie, 15, was recovered from the McIntyre River in Thunder Bay on November 1, 2007. The youth had last been seen alive at the riverside on October 26, 2007.

Online petition protecting the RIGHT of First Nations to Post-Secondary Education

Please consider signing the following online Petition at

To The Canadian Parliament Concerning
The RIGHT of First Nations to Post-Secondary Education

Hosted by Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation and the First Nation Education Council

December 2nd

INAC launches two new Education programs call for proposals - February 16, 2009 deadline

INAC press release ...

Government of Canada Launches Two New Programs to Improve First Nation Education

Ottawa (December 2, 2008) - The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians today announced the launch of two new programs that will help First Nation students succeed academically.

December 1st

AFN National Chief presentation to Health Council on First Nation Health Systems

From The Health Council of Canada site  

Health Systems and Structural Change

Address by the National Chief to the Health Council of Canada

Chateau Laurier, Ottawa ON - November 10, 2008

November 30th

Aboriginal culture, music and traditions celebrated, shared and honoured at Toronto festival

From the Toronto Sun

Festival brings the past alive - 6,700 kids take in aboriginal culture

By SHEENA FINDLAY, SUN MEDIA - 29th November 2008

More than 6,700 children from schools across the GTA learned about aboriginal culture under the world's biggest dream catcher at the Rogers Centre yesterday.

It was education day at the Canadian Aboriginal Festival, the largest indoor aboriginal festival in North America.

November 29th

Alberta broadband strategy includes investment in First Nations to reach all citizens

Alberta press release 

Program Helps Link Rural Albertans to High-speed Internet

November 27, 2008

Funding targets communities with limited or no broadband service

Edmonton... Over the next three years, $9 million in grant funding will help rural and remote communities join the digital information age.

November 28th

CBC Ideas Radio Documentary: "In Praise of Ice", Monday and Tuesday, Dec 1,2

Ideas Radio Documentary: "In Praise of Ice," Parts 1 and 2
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
1-2 December 2008

November 27th

Bearskin and Wunnumin Lake First Nation youth honoured with Creative Writing Award

Ontario press release ... 

Aboriginal Youth Receive First Bartleman Awards - Young Poets, Storywriters Recognized

TORONTO, Nov. 27

A 10-year old poet from a remote First Nation community will be among the six young writers to receive the first James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award.

First Nations included in plan to bring Broadband connections to all of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan press release ...

Premier Announces 100 per cent High Speed Internet Coverage for Saskatchewan - $129 Million Infrastructure Plan Will Also Bring Cell Coverage Up To 98 Per Cent

 November 26, 2008

Premier Brad Wall said Saskatchewan will have 100 per cent high speed Internet coverage within three years as the result of a major investment announced today.