Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet in Balmertown for annual Christmas gathering

The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak are meeting with their staff and guests to review the work being completed by the organization and provide direction totheir staff on programs and services required by their community.

Some of the meeting highlights include:

  • Presentations by program managers and team members
  • teleconference meeting with the National Chief of AFN
  • Presentations by guests including Mel Stewart discussing the hydro grid options, MNR and their land use planning efforts.
  • Christmas dinner and social

Representatives from the Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations included:

  • Chief Royle Meekis, Deer Lake First Nation
  • Chief Joe Meekis, Keewaywin First Nation
  • Chief Eli James, McDowell Lake First Nation
  • Chief Rita Thompson, North Spirit Lake First Nation
  • Chief Dennis King, Poplar Hill First Nation