Alberta broadband strategy includes investment in First Nations to reach all citizens

Alberta press release 

Program Helps Link Rural Albertans to High-speed Internet

November 27, 2008

Funding targets communities with limited or no broadband service

Edmonton... Over the next three years, $9 million in grant funding will help rural and remote communities join the digital information age.

“While high-speed broadband service is readily available to many Albertans, some rural and remote communities have limited or no access to this valuable resource,’’ said Agriculture and Rural Development Minister George Groeneveld. “This new funding will support locally-driven solutions for bringing high-speed broadband services to rural Alberta communities so they can be part of an increasingly connected global economy.’’

The Rural Connections: Community Broadband Infrastructure Pilot Program is designed to help economically vulnerable rural communities adapt to change by investing in their future.

Eligible activities include:

- infrastructure projects to benefit from the Alberta SuperNet, a high-speed, high-capacity broadband network linking government offices, schools, health-care facilities and libraries;
- evaluating technologies to expand or improve broadband service;
- feasibility studies to support broadband infrastructure projects; and
- outreach and extension programs to promote broadband use

Eligible applicants include municipalities; First Nations and Metis Settlements; not-for-profit community organizations and co-operatives. Grant amounts range from $10,000 to a maximum of $500,000 per project. The funding will encourage skills training, entrepreneurship, and innovative ways to keep pace with a digital economy in a knowledge-based society.

Communities interested in accessing the Rural Connections: Community Broadband Infrastructure Pilot Program can contact Agriculture and Rural Development’s Rural Development Division at 780-427-2409, (toll-free by dialing 310-0000); email or

Overall funding for the program was made available through the Government of Canada’s $1-billion Community Development Trust Fund to help provinces and territories assist communities, organizations and workers move towards greater economic self-reliance.


Media inquiries may be directed to:

Ron Popek
Rural Development Division
Agriculture and Rural Development