Traditional activities at Pelican Falls First Nation High School 2003-2004

The students attending Pelican Falls developed an on-line presentation documenting all the different traditional educational activities undertaken during the 2003-2004 school year. Wayne Mercer, Pelican Falls Principal reported that Paige Mawakeesic who is seen in many of the pictures used many of the skills gained during her cooperative education placement at K-Net to coordinate the production of this web site. Click here to see their Traditional Activities home page.

The different activities documented include:

The project is described as ...

"This project was part of a joint effort between NIS (Network Of Innovative Schools) and Pelican Falls First Nations High School. The project's goal was to introduce & enhance ICT's into the classroom and use it as a tool to communicate the students unique First Nation culture and heritage to others around the world. Two curriculum areas worked in partnership to make this project a reality. Two Interdiciplinary studies classes with curriculum focus on traditional technologies and traditional skills provided material for the website recording and writing about their endeavours. The computer class learned to construct & build webpages then used the material to create the unique website seen here. Native Language classes and student volunteers also helped with the project.

Partnerships were also created with the Ojibway & Cree Cultural Centre in Timmins, Ontario, to produce a book of the bark canoe project. Overall, the project was a big success and teachers and students look forward to next years projects."