Archive - 2003

July 10th

Wawatay News' July 10 issue has two more stories about K-Net's work in the north

The July 10 issue of Wawatay News contains two more news stories about the work being completed within the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations demonstration project.

This week's issue of the Kuh-ke-nah page in Wawatay News include the following articles:

  • IP telephones improving First Nation communication - Slate Falls First Nation employees are now able to have telephones on their desks instead of having to share the single public pay phone. Community members share their stories and plans for the use of community-own IP telephony systems operating on their community broadband network.
  • Telework a reality for K-Net communities & employees - Darlene Rae and other K-Net staff share their experiences about being able to be connected to their offices and work from wherever they are able to find a high speed Internet service.
  • K-Net Showcase - contains photos from the North Spirit Lake First Nation portal (

Rick Garrick is researching additional stories for future articles. If you have a story that you want to share about this project and the work that is happening in your community to get connected, please send us an e-mail.

Various newspaper articles are being scanned and stored for reference purposes in this photo gallery.

July 8th

Wasaya Airways and Bearskin Airlines Traditional signing ceremony live webcast

Wasaya Airways and Bearskin Airlines will be conducting a traditional signing ceremony at the Bearskin Lake First Nation on Wednesday July 9/03 at 3:00pm.  There will be a live broadcast of the ceremony via webcast at the url  

Summer Students in North Spirit Lake

North Spirit Lake First Nation Band Council has hired a number of summer students in the community.  Each student started working, Monday, July 7, 2003.

Check out the pictures that Michelle Campbell is taking and working with Arnold Thompson to post on the North Spirit Lake web site.

Go to North Spirit Lake Photo Gallery and check the pictures out.

July 6th

KO Supports Grade 8 Science On-line Supplemental Course

Fernando Oliveira, former KiHS teacher in Poplar Hill and Fort Severn during 2001-2002, worked with KiHS staff and the Grade 8 teachers and students in KiHS partner First Nations to develop and deliver a supplemental science curriculum course material using the KiHS e-learning platform.

The final report including student and teacher feedback about this program is now available on-line. The program proved so successful that plans are now being discussed to expand this service to include supplemental Mathematics and English curriculum material for Grade 8 students.

From the Background Summary in the Overview section of the report ...


Supplemental Grade Eight Science Program was a pilot program created by KiHS in partnership with The Smart Demonstration Project and a number of KiHS Partner Communities. The impetus for this program evolved out of the following rational:
Students entering high school in many northern communities are not adequately prepared in the core subjects, especially in Science.
  • Students become better equipped to handle the rigors of high school when they are exposed to the type of activities currently being taught within the KiHS e-learning environment.
  • Students who are exposed to the expectations of the high school system are better capable of making informed decisions about where to complete their grade 9 program.
  • As computers and the Internet play an increasingly important role in academic participation, students who are computer literate are better prepared to meet the academic challenges of high school, and that of the work force in general.
  • Literacy and numeracy among students can be strengthened through participation in an online program that supplements the core subject areas.
  • July 1st

    Traffic on the K-Net Servers continues to increase in June

    Over 12 MILLION hits on the K-Net servers for the second month in a row!!

    Several of the K-Net servers that are being monitored for hits, visits and usage statistics using the webalizer program again showed an increase in June. In particular, the server rose again to over 6.4 million hits during this month.

    Please note:

    • the Hosting server statistics are no longer included in the monthly K-Net statistics because individual sites are monitoring their own traffic;
    • other on-line K-Net services, such as K-Net chat and the video streamer are not included in these numbers;
    • server traffic monitoring information is located at

    NAN Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic recognized by NOMS


    June 30, 2003

    NOMS recognizes a friend

    Northern Ontario Medical School recently recognized the outstanding support and commitment of Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Grand Chief Goyce Kakegamic with the presentation of a special plaque. The award was made at the close of NOMS' Aboriginal Workshop held recently in the Anishinabeg community of Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation near Kenora.

    In making the special presentation Dr. Roger Strasser, Founding Dean of NOMS, acknowledged Kakegamic's successful efforts in ensuring that Aboriginal People have a strong voice on the new NOMS Board of Directors. He also acknowledged Kakegamic's contribution to the development of NOMS' curriculum, governance, and to the issues around recruitment and retention of Aboriginal students.

    "Goyce has been a strong advocate for Aboriginal People, and for the cause of NOMS," said Strasser. "It hasn't always been easy for us to hear what Goyce has to say, but there is no doubt that NOMS is a better institution because of Goyce's support, advice and assistance."

    In accepting the award Kakegamic thanked Strasser, and the staff and faculty of NOMS. He acknowledged the efforts to bring Aboriginal issues to the forefront within NOMS, but said there is still a great deal to be done.

    "I accept this recognition not for myself but for all of the partners; NAN, Grand Council Treaty #3, Anishnabek Nation, who worked collectively to bring a full campus to Thunder Bay to serve the needs of the Northwest," said Kakegamic. "However, this is only the first step. There is much work ahead and we must be ready to roll up our sleeves and get on with the job at hand."

    A new medical school for the whole of Northern Ontario, the Northern Ontario Medical School is a joint venture of Laurentian and Lakehead Universities. With main campuses in Sudbury and Thunder Bay, NOMS will have multiple teaching and research sites distributed across Northern Ontario, in large and small communities.  NOMS will contribute to improving the health care of people in Northern Ontario.


    For more information contact:

    Michael OReilly
    NOMS-West Communications Officer
    (807) 229-7746

    Mick Lowe
    NOMS-East Communications Officer
    (705) 969-7213

    June 30th

    Sandy Lake Invitational Volleyball Tournament

    Sandy Lake Invitational Volleyball Tournament

    July 16 - 19 2003.(during the Music Festival)

    Mens division                           Ladies division

    Entry Fee: $500.00                  Entry Fee: $400.00

    1st $2500.00                            1st - 1500.00

    2nd $1500.00                           2nd - $1000.00

    3rd $1000.00                            3rd - $500.00

    (Based on 10 teams)                 (Based on 8 teams)

    Cash prizes are subject to change due to number of teams entering

    Individual cash awards for both divisions

    To enter your team call the recreation office in sandy lake at 807 774 5445 ask for Jaymie or email me at

    Wawatay News' June 26 issue has two more stories about KO First Nations & K-Net

    The June 26 issue of Wawatay News contains two more news stories about the work being completed within the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations demonstration project.

    This week's issue of the Kuh-ke-nah page in Wawatay News include the following articles:

    • First Nation schools get improved Internet connections - In partnership with Industry Canada's SchoolNet program, Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff are working with First Nation schools to access high speed Internet services. As the Administrations of the Ontario Regional Management Organization, Angie Morris and Barb Wong are supporting FN schools across the province to bring these connectivity resources into each First Nation.
    • and community websites provide news - Barney Turtle (Fort Severn), David McKay (Keewaywin) and Darrell Ostamas (Deer Lake) are Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nation Multi-media Producers hired under Industy Canada's Smart Communities program. They share how they work with their communities to post news stories about local happenings and information.
    • K-Net Showcase - contains photos from the Poplar Hill First Nation portal (

    Rick Garrick is researching additional stories for future articles. If you have a story that you want to share about this project and the work that is happening in your community to get connected, please send us an e-mail.

    Various newspaper articles are being scanned and stored for reference purposes in this photo gallery.

    June 29th

    First Nations University of Canada Opens in Regina

    The opening of the First Nations University of Canada is a long time dream of many people. The new building, designed by Douglas Cardinal (who is also involved with the design of the new Minoyawin Hospital in Sioux Lookout) and the expanded mandate of the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College creates new opportunities for all Aboriginal people across Canada. Check out the CBC news story as well as the video clip about the opening that contains interviews with the university's vice-president and other First Nation leaders.

    June 28th

    Charles Fox Re-elected as leader of Chiefs of Ontario Organization

    Charles Fox was given another three-year term as the leader of the Chiefs of Ontario organization on Wednesday, June 25.

    The Chiefs of Ontario is the largest First Nations group in Canada next to the Assembly of First Nations, representing 160,000 people in 134 First Nations across Ontario.