Wawatay News' July 10 issue has two more stories about K-Net's work in the north

The July 10 issue of Wawatay News contains two more news stories about the work being completed within the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations demonstration project.

This week's issue of the Kuh-ke-nah page in Wawatay News include the following articles:

  • IP telephones improving First Nation communication - Slate Falls First Nation employees are now able to have telephones on their desks instead of having to share the single public pay phone. Community members share their stories and plans for the use of community-own IP telephony systems operating on their community broadband network.
  • Telework a reality for K-Net communities & employees - Darlene Rae and other K-Net staff share their experiences about being able to be connected to their offices and work from wherever they are able to find a high speed Internet service.
  • K-Net Showcase - contains photos from the North Spirit Lake First Nation portal (http://nsl.firstnation.ca)

Rick Garrick is researching additional stories for future articles. If you have a story that you want to share about this project and the work that is happening in your community to get connected, please send us an e-mail.

Various newspaper articles are being scanned and stored for reference purposes in this photo gallery.