Archive - 2003

August 3rd

Kuh-ke-nah Smart Demonstration Project Annual Report (2002 - 2003)

Keewaytinook Okimakanak published the Annual Report that covers the developmental work of the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations Demonstration Project for the past fiscal year (April 2002 to March 2003). The report is available as a PDF document in the K-Net Library - Annual Report 2002-2003.

August 1st

Kuh-ke-nah Network Reviewed by Education Network of Ontario

Wayne Collins, Technical Director at the Education Network of Ontario sent the past three days reviewing the Kuh-ke-nah Network's infrastructure design, the existing hardware and software configuration and discussing present and future network needs, plans and directions. Wayne worked with Dan Pellerin and other K-Net team members to identify strengths and gaps in the network and to determine potential development streams for network growth.

The Education Network of Ontario (ENO) is one of Keewaytinook Okimakanak's important partners in both the development and operation of the existing Kuh-ke-nah Network (K-Net). As a Gold Circle Partner, ENO continues to provide essential connectivity services and advise to the ongoing operational and development of the network from their offices in Toronto.

Wayne is producing a report of his findings and recommendations which the K-Net Smart team will use to assist in determining our strategic investments as the Smart Communities project completes its third successful year of operations.

 Lance Redbourne, Tech Director with NNEC stopped by and met Wayne and Dan.

 Wayne also had a chance to work with John on the set up of the IP Telephony Call Manager system.

Over 14 million hits on the K-Net Servers in July

More and more people are getting on-line and using the on-line K-Net services.

Over 14 MILLION hits occurred on the K-Net servers during the month of July. Specifically, on the seven servers with traffic graphs, there were a total of 14,822,360 hits and 328,887 visits made to these on-line services provided by Keewaytinook Okimakanak.

Several of the K-Net servers that are being monitored for hits, visits and usage statistics using the webalizer program again showed an increase in June. In particular, the server rose again to over 7.2 million hits during this month.

Please note:

  • one reason for the 2 million hit increase from the previous month is the Hosting server statistics are now being included in the monthly K-Net statistics;
  • other on-line K-Net services, such as K-Net chat and the video streamer are not included in these numbers;
  • server traffic monitoring information is located at

July 31st

Gathering Place First Nation Canadian News On-line Source

Gathering Place First Nation Canadian News at provides readers with another source of news. Subscribers can receive weekly updates by e-mail or choose to browse the on-line resources. Readers are invited to submit their news stories for posting on the Gathering Place web site.

From the Gathering Place website:

"Everyday the mainstream Media carries stories about our peoples. Here you will find some of their stories.If you are looking for some Good News ...Just look to the left and press on Good News.If you see any stories you think needs to be shared.. Please copy and email GPFNCN"

"Welcome to Canada's #1 source for Aboriginal, Native, and First Nations News. I welcome you to come and be apart of this news service. Give us your thoughts, tell me what you would like to see here in this news place, Nai:wen to all who have sent and continue to send prayers and words of encouragement to me. We hope you like the new look of the site.

- Sharon, on:en

Information Video Conference about CAAT and GED Programs in KO First Nations

On July 29, representatives from SLAAMB, Confederation College and NNEC met with KO community members and KO staff to present information concerning General Educational Development(GED) and the Canadian Adult Achievement Test (CAAT). During the CAAT / GED Information Video-conference Wayne Zimmer and Gayle Murdock from Confederation College, Bob Bruyere from SLAAMB and John Dudley from NNEC talked about the GED test, their organizations involvement in setting up these initiatives in the First Nations. Discussions took place about the 12 weeks of community-based training that is being considered for KO First Nations with sufficient enrollment.

Information from the poster circulated before the meeting described the GED Test as a "measurement of the level of your Educational Maturity". The GED is a set of 5 Tests on the Key High School Subjects of:

  • Language Arts: Writing
  • Language Arts: Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Science

If you score 450 or more on all 5 tests, you will get your Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate from Confederation College. Score less than 450 on any tests and you can re-write them. You don’t have to re-write tests if you scored over 450 on them.

To take the 12 week GED Preparation Training Program and be eligible to write the GED test you must :

  1. Be seriously committed to a very intensive 12 week GED training program (night school) in your community;
  2. Complete the Canadian Adult Achievement Test and score between Levels 9 and 10 or better;
  3. Be at Least 19 or older (some 18 year olds may be eligible);
  4. Not be a high school graduate;
  5. Have been out of school for at least one full year;
  6. Be a resident of Ontario.

If you’re on welfare or E.I. you can take training without penalty.

July 30th

NAN Executive Council Elected at Keewaywin Conference in Ginoogaming FN

The Chiefs of Nishnawbe Aski Nation elected Stan Beardy to be their Grand Chief for a second consecutive term today at this year's Keewaywin Conference being held in Ginoogaming First Nation. Stan secured the required 23 votes on the first round ballot to win the vote over the other contenders.

After the election of the Grand Chief, the chiefs then heard the speeches from each of the eleven deputy grand chief candidates. The chiefs then cast their ballots for three Deputy Grand Chief positions. Successful candidates for these positions are Alvin Fiddler, Goyce Kakegamic and Dan Kooses. Both Goyce and Dan will be serving their second consecutive three year terms along with Stan.

Congratulations to Stan, Alvin, Goyce and Dan and all the other people who put their names forth as candidates.

July 28th

19th Annual Ladies Baseball Tournament in Sachigo Lake FN

August 7-9, 2003

Championship $5,000

Finalists $2,500

Consolation $2,000

Runner's up $1,000

Entry Fee $800

For more information, please contact,

Sachigo Lake Band Office  595-2577/2527


July 27th

Constance Lake School Construction Mobilized

Constance Lake First Nation is mobilizing to begin constructing our new school.  The holistic education centre, which consists of a daycare centre, elementary, secondary and technical components has begun construction!  

Our new education centre will take twelve (12) months to construct.  The occupation date for the school is scheduled for September 2004.  

For more information regarding the new holistic education centre, check out the Constance Lake Education authority website or contact the Constance Lake Education Authority office.  

Wawatay News has more K-Net stories in July 24 issue

The July 24 issue of Wawatay News contains two more news stories about the work being completed within the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nations demonstration project.

This week's issue of the Kuh-ke-nah page in Wawatay News include the following articles:

  • KO Communities Planning On-line Maps and Data - Robert Hunter, KO's GIS/Architectural Technologist talks shares his story about working with other members of the KO Smart Team to take existing databases and digital maps (canoe routes, community infrastructure, etc) and make this information available on-line.
  • Live web casts streaming from First Nations via Internet - Different live events are now being shared and archived on-line with others using the K-Net streaming server and the video conferencing equipment in each of the communities. Examples talked about in this article include the Wasaya - Bearskin signing ceremony from Bearskin FN, the Grade 8 Graduation Ceremonies from Kingfisher Lake FN and the Sandy Lake FN award.
  • K-Net Showcase - contains photos from the Fort Severn First Nation portal (

Rick Garrick is researching additional stories for future articles. If you have a story that you want to share about this project and the work that is happening in your community to get connected, please send us an e-mail.

Various newspaper articles are being scanned and stored for reference purposes in this photo gallery.

July 24th

Industry Canada officials and guests visit K-Net and partner First Nations

On Wednesday, July 23 to Friday, July 25, several guests made the journey from their homes to travel to Sioux Lookout, Slate Falls First Nation and Keewaywin First Nation. Luis Barnola, who works with IRDC (International Development Research Centre, Head Office
Institute for Connectivity in the Americas) arranged to bring a film producer from Columbia (Mauricio Beltran) to visit K-Net and some of our partner First Nations. They flew from Ottawa to Thunder Bay and then Carl Seibel from FedNor drove them to Sioux Lookout and then we flew into Slate Falls First Nation and then over to Keewaywin First Nation.

Click here to check out the story and the pictures posted on the Keewaywin community portal about their visit to their community.

Luis brought a copy of a publication entitled "Community Telecentres for Development - Lessons from Community Telecentres" that he shared with everyone. Click here to see the on-line copy of this publication. Other useful on-line publications from the resource library of the ICA including some of Mauricio's work are also available.