Archive - Oct 7, 2002


Fort William First Nation...Open House!


Fort William First Nation had it's open house o­n September 20, 2002. Initially things were slow, but picked up in mid afternoon. We had about 15 people from around the community come and check out our site. A few showed interest in enrollment into the program, so, hopefully we will have some more new faces around the KiHS center here in FWFN. We have a picture of the school attached. Come and visit us anytime!

Thank you for your time...

Teacher/Mentor...Craig H
Classroom Technician...Aaron H
Aaron B., Luke B. Andrew P., Kara P., Coty K., Joseph C., Trevor W., Nathan M., Jesse B., George S., Rob M., Summer B., Jamie B., Brenda H., Terry L., Lyle P., Sara G., Lucas S...and more to come!!! happy and smile