Archive - Oct 15, 2002


OFNTSC conference highlights Kuh-ke-nah Network and Partners

Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager, worked with Bell Canada (Bill Elliot and his team), Adcom (Dan House and his team) along with OFNTSC staff members (Jamie Monastyrski, Jim Taylor and Kevin Sherlock) to demonstrate the importance and potential of video conferencing services for conference participants. Bell Canada provided the connectivity at the conference and Adcom Videoconferencing provided the equipment to make the demonstrations possible. Dan worked with OFNTSC staff to coordinate and facilitate the busy schedule during the conference, including the set up, testing and actual video conferencing sessions.

The conference was opened by elder Elijah Stoney and Chief George Kakekaspan of Fort Severn First Nation joining conference participants by video conference. A little later during the opening ceremonies, three other First Nation video conference sites (Fort Frances, North Bay and Thunder Bay) were bridged together with the conference proceedings and invited to greet members of the audience.

The next day, during the full day trade show, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Bell Canada and Adcom shared a booth that included live video conferencing sessions with KO First Nation band members located in their e-Centres (North Spirit Lake, Deer Lake, Keewaywin and Fort Severn). o­n Thursday, Dan worked with OFNTSC staff members to present information about video conferencing challenges and opportunities.

Telehealth Conference features two KO presentations

The Canadian Society of Telehealth annual conference included two different sessions featuring the work of Keewaytinook Okimakanak's Health Team. This year's conference was held in Vancouver, BC o­n October 3 to 5 and featured guests from across the country.

Orpah McKenzie, KO's Health Director worked with Drs. Fran Edye, C Keresztes and Claudette Chase to share their experience in the presentation entitled "ISOLATION AND ACCESS: EVALUATING A FIRST NATIONS TELEPSYCHIATRY PILOT PROJECT IN REMOTE OJIBWAY AND OJI-CREE COMMUNITIES"(in PDF format). Donna Williams, KO's Telehealth Educator worked with several KO First Nation Telehealth Coordinators to present their experience of delivering "


Keewaytinook Okimakanak was well represented at this year's CST conference with First Nation Health Directors and Telehealth Coordinators joining KO's Telehealth Team in Vancouver. Everyone enjoyed the opportunity sharing their experiences with others and learning about new telehealth opportunities.