Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Registration for on-line Grade 8 English Literacy open to First Nation schools

There is only one week left to register your First Nation school's grade 8 class for the on-line Grade 8 supplementary english literacy material. This service is made available to First Nation schools by the Ontario Regional Management Organization (ON-RMO) for Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program.

Check out the new web site for this on-line Grade 8 supplementary resource at

Click here for a poster describing how to register your grade 8 class.

Click here for more information about this on-line service.

Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program funding confirmed

2004 Budget Update - Changes to the Community Access and SchoolNet Programs

The following information is an update on the Budget 2004 funding allocation for the Community Access and SchoolNet programs. Click here for the full press release.

CAP and SchoolNet programs have new strategic directions, along with lower funding levels through fiscal years 2004-05 and 2005-06. The total of $50 million per year for two years is allocated both for financial contributions, as well as for internal operating and salary costs.

Funding for CAP will be $25 million per year for 2004-05 and 2005-06. Rather than supporting general public access to the Internet, CAP will focus on supporting public access sites that serve communities of greatest need (digital divide communities) as well as on supporting access to on-line government services. This will require both a shift in focus and a downsizing of the network.

Funding for the SchoolNet programs will be $25 million per year for 2004-05 and 2005-06, of which $15 million per year will be directed to First Nations SchoolNet. The new SchoolNet family will include the following programs: First Nations SchoolNet, Computers for Schools, Canada’s Campus Connection/Campus Canada, NetCorps Canada International, as well as related e-learning research and tools/standards development.

Keewaytinook Okimakanak is working with the First Nation SchoolNet program as the Regional Management Organization for Ontario. For more information, contact Brian Beaton at 877-737-KNET (5638).

New KO Telehealth Website Launched

KO Telehealth Website Launch

We are pleased to announce that the KO Telehealth Website has a new and improved look. This new website will act as a communication tool for all partners and stakeholders throughout the Sioux Lookout Health Zone. Our goal is to provide key up-to-date information that is useful and informative to educate all readers on Telehealth and what it can mean to improving and enhancing health care in First Nation communities.

Please visit to access information that relates to the integration of Telehealth into the Health Care Structure.

Group of Maori students meet with First Nation youth sharing stories on-line

On the afternoon April 2, Jesse Fiddler, Cal Kenny and Leon Fiddler, along with members of Jesse's family (Angie, Mya and Keenan) met via video conference with a class of post-secondary Maori students from New Zealand. The laughter, sharing and exchanges went on for over an hour between the two groups. Click here is see some pictures from this meeting.

Below are some of the e-mail messages that lead to this exchange, explaining the objectives of the meeting. Click here to see an earlier story about this Maori Post-secondary institution.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Graeme Everton"
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 3:13 AM

Kia ora koutou,

Once again I find myself saying thank you. Our students were really amazed at the whole experience and enjoyed the knowledge and stories that were shared. Today has set the benchmark and I look forward to more events in the future.



Jesse Fiddler ( wrote:

Hi Graeme,

Cal and myself would be interested in joining your class for that  session.  As Brian mentioned, Cal has been working on telling the story of  the Wasaho Cree Nation Traditional Lands through video and  websites (  I have some material on the legends from Sandy Lake (  I can also talk about what other people and organizations have been doing in our area (  Much of it was showcased at the Native Language gathering that we just had


----- Original Message -----

From: "Graeme Everton"  <>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 1:47 PM

Kia ora Brian,

Hope you have all recovered from the last few weeks of online activity. Thank you once again for giving us such a good and positive experience. It has certainly helped us focus our thoughts on where to with eLearning and the possibilities of video conferencing.

As indicated a week or so back I would like to ask if our students in  Maori Information Management (Diploma/Degree) can have the opportunity to talk with your team. The group is made up of Maori who are either Librarians or Archivists and are training to support Maori efforts to preserve Maori toanga (treasures) both physically and electronically. What I'm thinking is maybe talking about anything you have done to preserve the stories and knowledge of the tribes (the interactive river map for example). Do you have any Librarians or Archivists who would like to talk to us? We have a three hour class Saturday here/Friday afternoon your time and would love to fit you in for an hour


Evaluation strategy for the KO Telehealth project

A joint proposal by the University of Guelph’s School of Environmental Design and Rural Development in collaboration with Laurentian University’s Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research is now being implemented. This will begin the evaluation work for the KO Telehealth expansion project into all the First Nations across the Sioux Lookout Health Zone.

A video conference meeting on April 1 brought together project members from Balmertown, Sioux Lookout, Guelph and Sudbury as another step in completing the proposal. An evaluation committee with representatives from all the partner groups is now being developed. Please contact Kevin Houghton, KO Telehealth Project Manager ( for more information.

Pic River Elementary School hosts FNS web site development workshop

Teachers, Teachers' aids and administrators gathered on April 2 at Pic River Elementary School near Marathon, Ontario to participate in the First Nations Schools Web Site Construction Workshop. The Pic River Elementary, Pic River High and Netamisakomik schools, each now have their own web site as a result of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program that is administered in Ontario by Keewaytinook Okimakanak.

The staff at Pic River Elementary was particularly impressed by Jesse Fiddler's historical project on the K-Net web site. The teachers want to work with community members in Pic River to do a similar project on their new website... "We have the tapes and other historical materials.  Now we need to do what you have already accomplished on the Internet.  It will be a valuable tool for the classroom as well as the community at large," said one of the participants.

Click  here to see some more pictures from the session.

Over 58 million hits on K-Net servers in March

There was a total of 58,146,015 hits occurring on six of the monitored K-Net servers over the month of March. The six servers generating this amount of traffic include,,,,, and (just click on the server to see the traffic monitoring chart for each server).

This number shows an increase from the previous month of over 6 million hits. As well, there was a total of over 800,000 visits made during this period to these six servers (an increase of over 80,000 visits from the previous month). The following table shows the actual numbers for these categories for the month of March.


Total Hits

Total Visits

Daily Avg Visits

Daily Avg Hits
































Personal web pages at continue to be the most popular on-line space for the Nishnawbe Aski to browse. In March there were over 48 million hits on this K-Net server (over 4 million more hits from the previous month)! The average daily hits on this server rose to over 1.55 million hits each day on this server!

Most of the K-Net servers that are being monitored for hits, visits and usage statistics using the webalizer program again showed an increase during the month.

Please note:

KO Smart Communities project begins new era of development

A video conference meeting of the twelve Smart Community Demonstration projects on the last day of the program, signalled the start of a new era of development for each of the initiatives began under this innovative Industry Canada program. The Kuhkenah Network of Smart First Nations project successfully completed all the proposed deliverables scaling many of them to include other First Nations and organizations across the region and the country.

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations are now undertaking the challenge of planning and developing strategies to sustain all the programs and services began under this project.

IC First Nations SchoolNet and KO supports on-line content for FN schools

Since the fall of 2003, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, as Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet Ontario Regional Management Organization, has been supporting six different on-line First Nation curriculum and resource development initiatives with different groups from across the province. These online curriculum resources provide a rich variety of First Nation specific educational material resources that addresses a large gap in culturally appropriate, regional content. The people and First Nation organizations engaged in these developmental initiatives joined other educators at the Native Language conference held in Thunder Bay last weekend to showcase their work over these past few months. Watch for new web portals as they become live over the next few days.

1. G8 Supplementary Courses Program Online

The G8 Supplementary Courses Program ( aims to help Gade 8 students transition into high school through the delivery of supplementary courses in Math, Science and English. This online curriculum provides educational resources that fit the needs and abilities of students and teachers in diverse communities.

Fernando Oliveira ( is a teacher and curriculum developer who uses the Internet to deliver educational resources for First Nations elementary schools. As the developer and course instructor for the Grade 8 Supplementary Courses Program, Fernando has spend the last year creating an online program that is accessed by students in First Nations elementary schools across Ontario. Prior to this project, Fernando was a teacher in Poplar Hill and Fort Severn First Nations with Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS).  

2. NAN Decade for Youth Website

The NAN Youth Decade Website ( has converted existing resource material on suicide prevention and awarness, geared at secondary and post-secondary students, from paper to a web-based format.

This site provides downloadable resource information for students to use personally or as part of class projects, including interactive peer-helping materials.

The site also identifies and provides linkages to mental health, suicide prevention, youth empowerment and peer helping websites.

Melanie Goodchild ( is the NAN Decade for Youth and Development Coordinator; she has overseen the compilation of materials and the overall creative design of the NAN Youth Decade website.

3. Noojmowin-Teg Health Portal

Noojmowin Teg Health Centre, on Manitoulin Island, created a health information portal for First Nations that functions as an online student learning tool. The content of this online learning tool was designed to meet the learning objectives set out in the Ontario Curriculum for Health and Physical Education for children in grades 3 to 5 and it focuses on Aboriginal approaches to address health promotion and physical activity.

Marion Maar

( is the Project Manager for the Noojmowin –Teg Health Portal. Ms. Maar is a medical anthropologist who has worked in the area of Aboriginal health research for 10 years. She has worked as a researcher developing and implementing evaluation frameworks for provincial health strategies as well as community-based Aboriginal health systems. She has worked for the past 6 years as the Research and Evaluation Coordinator at Noojmowin Teg.

4. Ontario First Nations Technical Services Virtual Career Fair

The Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation ( created its Aboriginal Virtual Career Fair website called Cool Careers ( to create an online resource accessible to Aboriginal youth, parents and educators in Ontario.

The Virtual Career Fair offers opportunities for a user to discover information on scientific and technology-based careers - opportunities, educational prerequisites, programs, and institutions and support mechanisms available in Ontario. In addition there is information on emerging sectors of the economy, availability of employment by region and sector, and motivational material, including a role model feature, and activity-based areas.

OFNTSC Project Team

  • Angela Crozier, Information Technology Technician and April Wemigwans, Junior Programmer - technical development of the site
  • Jamie Monastyrski, Communications Officer - site promotion and graphic design
  • Kevin Wesequate - research and content development; and
  • Kevin Sherlock, Skills Development Officer - sponsorship and future site development.
  • 5. Seven Generations Education Institute Native Language Curriculum

    Seven Generations Education Institute has converted existing Ojibway –language teaching curriculum, grades 1-10, from paper text teaching units to an electronic web-based format.

    Included in the materials are interactive worksheets, games, and puzzles for the students to accompany the units and linkage to Aboriginal websites as deemed appropriate.

    Dennis Jones

    Boozhoo indinawemaaganidok. Pebaamibines indigo Anishinaabemong idash Dennis Jones ingikenimigo gaye. Bizhiw niin indoodem. Aapichi jiikinaagozi indoodem. Nigigoonsiminikaaning izhinikaade ishkonigan wenjiyaan.

    Dennis Jones is a band member of the Nicickousemenecaning First Nation where he runs an Ojibwe Language Immersion Camp. He is presently working with the Seven Generations Education Institute as an Anishinaabe Language Advisor for the 2003-04 school year. He is currently on sabbatical from his regular teaching position at the University of Minnesota’s American Indian Studies Department where he teaches Ojibwe Language and Culture.

    Dennis Jones graduated in1982 with a Teachers Certificate from Lakehead University in Thunder Ba. In 1985 he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Native Studies from Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, and is currently working on a Masters of Indigenous Knowledge with the Seven Generations Educational Institute.

    Sheila Orwick

    is a member of Naotkamegwanning First Nation and the Clan Bizhiw, Lynx. She received her BA/B.Ed from Lakehead University and is working on her thesis for a Masters of Science in Education. Over the last 10 years Sheila has taught at the elementary, high school and college levels; she has experience in school administration and teaching native language. She is currently the Anishinaabe Language Researcher at the Seven Generations Education Institute working on language retention and revitalization initiatives, Anishinaabemowin programming, and curriculum development.

    6. Wawatay News Online Student Learning Tools

    Wawatay Native Communications Society (Newspaper Department) produced a digital news archive from examples of newspaper issues from its 30 years of publishing. Curriculum-ready interactive exercises make these news archive materials useful and appealing to students and teachers, especially for students attending high school in isolated communities that now lack culturally relevant digitized resource materials.  A searchable database makes the text more accessible by enabling users to carry out keyword searches.

    Alvin Fiddler

    is the Digital Archive Coordinator responsible for overseeing the digitization of 30 years of English and Ojibway text and images from Wawatay News.

    Alvin has been a Graphic Designer with Wawatay Native Communications Society since July 2001. Duties include the digital layout of the bi-weekly newspaper, numerous design and production contracts, and the coordination of the archive digitization project. He supervises two staff and has experience as a web-designer and Internet instructor with Shibogama First Nations Council.

    KTEI at M'Chigeeng FN hosts KO web site development workshop

    Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute at M'Chigeeng (formerly West Bay First Nation) is hosting the last of an extensive series of Web Site Development workshops coordinated by the Ontario Regional Management Organization of Industry Canada's SchoolNet program. Click here to check out the pictures of this workshop.

    Began back in the spring of 2003, Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff have now hosted more than 18 different training sessions to introduce the use of the open source content management program called Post Nuke to First Nation schools and students across the province. When Brian Walmark took on the challenge of coordinating these workshops back in October 2003, he used to say that he never thought of himself as a computer trainer. Today, he lead another workshop with a large group of educators from the First Nation schools on Manitoulin Island.

    More than 80 First Nation education web sites have been started under this project. There is lots more work to do on each of these web sites but with this initial introduction and with these resources now available to this many schools, there is lots of opportunities for a widespread take up of these on-line tools in the new fiscal year. Click here to check out the First Nation school web sites.