Keewaytinook Okimakanak

KO First Nation SMART teams prepare for International On-line Conference

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak SMART team is working together to plan and host the upcoming Indigenous SMART International Virtual Conference that will be happening on March 17 and 18, 2004. Conference information, updates and  activities are being posted at

Everyone is invited to register on-line for this event. Click here for the on-line registration form.

We look forward to learning about different innovative ICT efforts being made by other Indigenous groups from around the world as well as showcasing the work accomplished over the past three years of the Kuhkenah Network of Smart First Nations demonstration project.

Please mark these dates on your calendar and plan to join us for this international event where everyone will have a chance to showcase their work and efforts in using ICTs in their homes, work and communities.

Launch of includes a video link with Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Early Tuesday morning, 200 people gathered at City Hall in Ottawa to celebrate the launch of the portal and recognize the numerous achievements of the Ontario Smart Communities Demonstration project. Included in the celebrations was the Kuh-ke-nah Network of Smart First Nation project via video conference. Click here to see the pictures.

Media Release
Ottawa and SmartCapital: World Leaders in Online Service Delivery

OTTAWA, February 10, 2004 - Ottawa Mayor Bob Chiarelli joined representatives from the federal and provincial governments to officially launch the gateway, an initiative that has helped secure Ottawa's status as the most connected city in the world.

The Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation's (OCRI) gateway initiative boasts 12 online service projects, the engagement of over 50 development partners, and the ability to define, develop and deliver multiple services to online users.

Since 1999, the SmartCapital program has been accelerating the development of online services for all sectors of the region. Today's launch of the gateway will showcase many of these services and will demonstrate how information technology is transforming the way in which Ottawans interact with one another, with public and private institutions and with the world.

"This is a perfect example of how partnerships can benefit everyone," said Ottawa Mayor Bob Chiarelli. "Here we have municipal government, community groups, public sector organizations including schools, hospitals and universities plus the business sector all working collaboratively to create seamless access to information resources for each and every citizen in Ottawa."

The gateway is being used by city residents to do everything from helping entrepreneurs start and grow their business to accessing many of the City of Ottawa's essential services such as booking ice time, paying parking tickets and participating in city council meetings.

SmartCapital's Executive Director, Paul Wilker, explains that the initiative is about more than just convenience; it is about economic development - providing a higher quality of life and ensuring that the region remains globally competitive for years to come.

"We are creating the conditions that allow residents and businesses to integrate technology into daily living," Wilker continues. "The primary objectives of the SmartCapital initiative are to build a world leading broadband infrastructure; provide services and applications; and provide access to these services to the entire community. As we are demonstrating to the community today - we are succeeding in meeting these goals."

News of SmartCapital's success has traveled far beyond Ottawa as Wilker learned last week. SmartCapital has been named one of 24 finalists in the e-Government category of the Stockholm Challenge - a major clearinghouse for the best and brightest ideas in the area of information technology for community service delivery. Nearly 900 projects from 107 countries entered the competition. Winners from each category will be announced in Stockholm, Sweden on May 13, 2004. services include community access programs to ensure residents have free access to computers, computer training, the internet and software.

The City of Ottawa municipal government offers advanced information services, transactional capability for bill payment, and video streaming for e-democracy initiatives.

A SmartCapital program, AltogetherOTTAWA, provides free advanced collaborative software to all residents and businesses to build online communities.

Community partners provide: library services, a learning portal, affordable internet access for all university students, provision of 150 public access sites, and entrepreneurship tutorials. involves a suite of on-line services that are accessible free of charge to all Ottawa residents. These services facilitate interaction between and among governments, businesses and citizens and improve the efficiency of on-line transactions and services. At the same time, they provide city residents with a one-stop source of information, as well as a forum for on-line discussion and collaboration.


About SmartCapital
SmartCapital is an initiative to accelerate the development of online services for all sectors of the City of Ottawa. Working in collaboration with numerous partners, SmartCapital is launching services that are transforming the way in which citizens interact with one another, with public and private institutions, and with the world. For more information, please visit

About OCRI
The Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI) is Ottawa's economic development corporation. OCRI is the rallying point to bring business, education and research together to create the winning economic conditions that allow Ottawa's technology companies to thrive locally and compete globally. At OCRI we promote sustainable economic development to maintain our high quality of life. For more information on OCRI visit our website at and for more information on the Ottawa Region please visit

About Canada's Smart Communities
Smart Communities is a worldwide phenomenon that encourages villages, towns and cities to use information and communications technologies in innovative ways to empower their residents, institutions and regions as a whole. In Canada, the movement is growing thanks to the establishment of a national network of smart communities under the Government of Canada's Smart Community Program. The expertise of these 12 smart community demonstration projects - one in each province, one in the North, and one Aboriginal community - is helping other communities, both in Canada and abroad, effectively use technology for economic, social and cultural development.

For more information contact:

Meghan Pettipas
Manager, Marketing and Communications,
Tel: 592-8160 ext. 256
Cell: 613-291-9232

KO staff meet with Health Canada, NORTH Network and Education Network of Ontario

On Monday, Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager and Roy Hart, Health Canada's Regional IT Director, met with NORTH Network team members and toured their facilities in Toronto. Afterwards, Dan and Roy visited the team at the Education Network of Ontario and discussed network opportunities.

KO staff meet with Industry Canada's National Satellite Initiative

The National Satellite Initiative is a new program within Industry Canada's Broadband for Rural and Northern Development (BRAND) program. On Friday, February 6, Dan Pellerin, K-Net's Network Manager attended a meeting for the Satellite Service Providers in Ottawa. For more information about the purpose of this meeting, click here.

The National Satellite Initiative was created to lower the cost of broadband access for communities in the Far to mid-north, and in isolated and remote areas of Canada, where satellite is the only reasonable means of providing broadband access.

Infrastructure Canada, through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF), Industry Canada, and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) are funding partners of this $155 million initiative.

Video production training and taping continues this winter in KO First Nations

Balmertown, Poplar Hill and Deer Lake are the designation points for the winter video taping that is now being completed as part of the KO Smart Communities Demonstration project evaluation process. George Ferreira is working with the Telecommons Development Group, the University of Guelph and the team at Keewaytinook Okimakanak to capture local stories and experiences using ICTs on video. The winter road experience is now also going to be included in these stories through these efforts.

George traveled from Guelph to Toronto and took the train to Winnipeg with all his gear. In Winnipeg, he rented a suburban and drove to Balmertown on Feb 1. He met and videotaped the KO team in Balmertown and participated in a Chiefs' Board meeting during his stay there. Then on Feb 5, he and Cal Kenny drove to Stormer Lake and videotaped some of the activities taking place there. From there, they took the winter road to Poplar Hill where they met with and videotaped different people and local activities. From Poplar Hill, George is going to drive to Deer Lake with Steven Zussino to work with the local smart team members in that community.

KO Chiefs meet in Balmertown

The Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak met in Balmertown to review the programs being delivered by their organization. As well, future plans and new initiatives were presented and discussed. Click here to see the pictures.

Planning for the Kuhkenah Language iishikiishiwin Workshop for FNS is underway

The coordinating team for the Kuhkenah Language iishikiishiwin Workshop met this past week to discuss the workshop content and facilitation. From the invitation poster ...

This conference is for:

  • Ontario Aboriginal Language Teachers / Instructors who know about and use the Internet and communication technologies,
  • Ontario Aboriginal Language Teachers who are interested in using these technologies for the purposes of teaching the language and working with other language instructors to develop and support on-line resources.


  • Using the Internet and computer-mediated tools for the instruction of Aboriginal languages
  • Producing and sharing web and multi-media products for language instructors.

A web site has been set up for the workshop facilitators to post all the latest information about this gathering. Watch this web site at for all the latest updates of this workshop that is scheduled for March 23 and 24 in Thunder Bay.

Click here for pictures of the planning team meeting.

First Nation schools web development training workshop in Fort Frances

Brian Walmark, First Nations SchoolNet Special Projects Coordinator, worked with Seven Generations Education Institute to host another web development workshop for First Nation schools and groups from the Fort Frances region. Jesse Fiddler, K-Net's Multi-media Manager, travelled from Sioux Lookout to lead this workshop. A number of technical and weather related challenges forced everyone to adopt a very flexible agenda. A full network, lack of available IP numbers for the wireless lab, along with frozen vehicles and full hotels due to a hockey tournament created a great learning opportunity for everyone to experience a variety of troubleshooting strategies to support the creation of new web sites.

New web sites and push January traffic at K-Net to over 40 million hits

Personal web pages at continue to be the most popular on-line space for the Nishnawbe Aski to browse. In January there were over 30 million hits on this K-Net server (over 9 million more hits from the previous month)! The average daily hits on this server rose to nearly 1 million hits each day!

The new games web site along with new First Nation school and community web sites also created an increase in the usage of these on-line services.

All together there were over 40 MILLION hits occurring on the seven most popular monitored K-Net servers throughout January. Specifically, on these seven servers with traffic graphs, there were a total of 40,396,885 hits made to these on-line services provided by Keewaytinook Okimakanak. The seven servers generating this amount of traffic include,,,,, and (just click on the server to see the traffic monitoring chart for each server). There were 654,682 visits made during this period to these seven servers, indicating that people are exploring these sites more and more.

Most of the K-Net servers that are being monitored for hits, visits and usage statistics using the webalizer program again showed an increase during the month. But rose by nearly 10 million hits to demonstrate the rapid take up of these communication tools among users across the north.

Please note:

Health Canada team visits K-Net Services

Several Health Canada officials held meetings with members of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak team to discuss connectivity solutions to support the needs of their staff in the remote First Nations.