KTEI at M'Chigeeng FN hosts KO web site development workshop

Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute at M'Chigeeng (formerly West Bay First Nation) is hosting the last of an extensive series of Web Site Development workshops coordinated by the Ontario Regional Management Organization of Industry Canada's SchoolNet program. Click here to check out the pictures of this workshop.

Began back in the spring of 2003, Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff have now hosted more than 18 different training sessions to introduce the use of the open source content management program called Post Nuke to First Nation schools and students across the province. When Brian Walmark took on the challenge of coordinating these workshops back in October 2003, he used to say that he never thought of himself as a computer trainer. Today, he lead another workshop with a large group of educators from the First Nation schools on Manitoulin Island.

More than 80 First Nation education web sites have been started under this project. There is lots more work to do on each of these web sites but with this initial introduction and with these resources now available to this many schools, there is lots of opportunities for a widespread take up of these on-line tools in the new fiscal year. Click here to check out the First Nation school web sites.