Pic River Elementary School hosts FNS web site development workshop

Teachers, Teachers' aids and administrators gathered on April 2 at Pic River Elementary School near Marathon, Ontario to participate in the First Nations Schools Web Site Construction Workshop. The Pic River Elementary, Pic River High and Netamisakomik schools, each now have their own web site as a result of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program that is administered in Ontario by Keewaytinook Okimakanak.

The staff at Pic River Elementary was particularly impressed by Jesse Fiddler's historical project on the K-Net web site. The teachers want to work with community members in Pic River to do a similar project on their new website... "We have the tapes and other historical materials.  Now we need to do what you have already accomplished on the Internet.  It will be a valuable tool for the classroom as well as the community at large," said one of the participants.

Click  here to see some more pictures from the session.