Community News

New Years Special Services in Weagamow Lake

You are invited to attend our Annual New Year's Special Services which will be held on Dec 31, January 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Invited guests are:

Evangelist Carl Rushtion and

Perry Rushtion

Derrick and Myrtle Anderson

Guest singers (band):

Silas Woodhouse - Fairford, Manitoba

Murdo Woodhouse - Winnipeg, Manitoba

Wilfred Moar - Winnipeg, Manitoba

and others...

For more info you can contact Pastor Colin and Nora Kanate or Nora Brisket .

Or, you can out our new page at:

Outsiders gig successful in Sandy Lake

hello outsider fanz ... how it doin ... it's me (fezzo)

Well our gig at the Thomas Fiddler High School was fantastic. Everybody went crazy, fanz taking pictures and enjoying our music. We made about  5 new songs. Our best song is called "hate industrie". Our new guitarist Eagle Rae made it possible to move to a higher level of jammin. But most of all we like to thank our fanz for being there and listening to our music

coming soon.....

Outsiderz self-release album ... there's going to about 8 songs on our cd. It is coming out this summer. We are making about 300 cds. Some fanz have already reserved the cd.

High School Students Going Home For Christmas Break

All High School students from the northern communities are now on their Christmas Break. Starting tomorrow students will be home.

Dryden High Mini Pow Wow & Multicultural Daze

Mini Pow-Wow & Multicultural Daze

When: December 17, 2003

Where: Dryden High School (Gordon Wood Auditorium)


9:00 - 9:20am     Opening Remarks

9:20 - 10:00am     Thunder bay Troupe

10:00 - 11:00am      Zirka Dancers

11:00 - 11:20am     Elizabeth Garder Dance Troupe

12:00 - 1:00pm     Ceremonies

1:00 - 2:00pm      Grand Entry

2:00 - 3:00pm     Intertribals

3:00 - 3:20pm      Feast


Everyone Welcome!!!

Sandy Lake's Diabetes Prevention program part of CBC documentary tonight

Sandy Lake's  Diabetes Prevention program is highlighted in tonight's CBC television show, The Nature of Things.

The Weight of the World - Wednesday, December 3, 2003 at 7 pm (repeats Sundays at 5:00pm)

From the CBC web site (

The Weight Of The World is a one-hour documentary that unveils obesity as the first man-made epidemic the world has experienced. At the rate this deadly disease is spreading, it will drastically reduce the life expectancy of millions, if not billions, of people around the globe. The Weight Of The World takes the unique approach of examining obesity from a sociological perspective, rather than focusing on individuals who battle with excess fat.  

Resiliency Workbook for Residential School Survivors Available at K-Net

The Resiliency Workbook for Survivors of Residential School (PDF document, 143K) is the publication produced for the survivors attending the gathering at Pelican Falls in May 2002. Sunset Aboriginal Women’s Circle sponsored the project with funding support from the Anglican Church and the funding groups that supported the gathering.

The development of this workbook came from all the stories that everyone shared during this event. There is a lot of discussions surrounding the concept of resiliency of residential school survivors. The workbook uses some of the information from the stories told by the conference participants during the large sharing circles at this gathering.

The workbook puts these stories and experiences together into a format that can hopefully be used by survivors of residential schools to assist everyone to develop their own resiliency story. It provides Residential School survivors with another tool to use on their healing journey.

Everyone is invited to complete each of the four exercises contained in the workbook. Exercise #4 provides an opportunity to submit your completed resiliency story to be posted on-line and shared with other residential school survivors. These resiliency stories are being gathered and posted so they can be shared with others who are still working on their own healing and development. This workbook and the resulting stories will be used to support Native families in their efforts to raise healthy children and build their communities from web site.

Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship Centres launches Anokeewin Wiichiiwaawin Web Site

The Sioux Lookout Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship Centre launched the Anokeewin Wiichiiwaawin Employment Centre web site with a ceremony and feast honouring the nine youth selected as the first role models for their new portal. The web site is located at

K-Net staff (Jesse Fiddler and Cal Kenny) worked with Anokeewin Wiichiiwaawin Employment Centre staff members (Melisse Wilson and Nadine Arpin) to create this web site. The celebration included a live video conference link with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Thunder Bay office where two of the role models are able to join the ceremony (see the news story posted at

Each role model was recognized with a short biography read by Nadine Arpin with a gift being presented by the Friendship Centre's Executive Director, Laura Wynne. The on-line video clip containing a few words of wisdom from each role model was also viewed by the guests in attendance at this event. Afterwards a feast was hosted by the Friendship Centre for everyone in attendance.

Lac Seul First Nation telecom technician meets with K-Net

Lac Seul First Nation is working with K-Net to bring a broadband connection to all the different organizations across their territory. Pierre Parsons is coordinating the roll out of these broadband services for the three communities. Pierre has been purchasing, installing and networking the hardware in all the different offices in each of the three communities over the past few months patiently waiting for Expertech and Bell Canada to complete the construction of the fibre optic cable build over to Hudson. From Hudson, a T1 connection is to be installed to the Band office in Frenchman’s Head as part of this project.

On Nov 12, Pierre met with Dan Pellerin at the K-Net offices to discuss various connectivity solutions for reaching Whitefish Bay and Kejick Bay from their new T1 connection located in Frenchman’s Head. Everyone in Lac Seul is preparing for their new broadband connection so new services and applications can be introduced and developed across the First Nation territory.

NAN 8th Annual Arts & Crafts show & sale

Once again, we will have the NAN 8th Annual Christmas Arts and Crafts Show & Sale at Victoriaville Mall Center in Thunder Bay on November 27th - 30th. Participants that are interested, are required to register at the event on November 27th. Registration fee will be $80.00 per participant.

For your information, the Continental Curling Cup Challenge will take place at Fort William Gardens on the same dates.

We, the artisans would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to Nishnawbe-Aski Nation and Wasaya Airways for their in-kind contribution and sponsorship in making this event possible. Meegwetch.

If there are any questions, please call John Ferris at (807) 623-8228 or Toll Free 1-800-465-9952  

K-Net hosts - the International Support Group

Keewaytinook Okimakanak recently received this thank you message from one of our partners (Ricardo Ramírez) working with us in the development and evaluation of K-Net.

Dear ISG members:

Thanks to the generosity of our friends at KNet in northern Ontario, Canada ( the ISG website is now hosted at the Knet server. I would like to make sure that the savings we are incurring become an investment for KNet. How this happens is something that I have no doubt will emerge. Just think:

  • ISG is a decentralized organization with members in Peru (Maria and Edith), Hawaii (Hal), the Netherlands (Carine and Annemarie), France (Clive), Kenya (Isaac), Canada (Reg and Ricardo) and the Philippines (Annie and Caloy).
  • What brings us together is innovation and learning to work with local communities and multiple partners. Much of what we have done has shaped the work that Don Richardson and I did with the KNet workshops in Red Lake and Fort Severn back in 1998.
  • We reported on this in the Tune meetings in Denmark and we wrote about it in the Linked Local Learning book (I will send a copy of the book to KNet right away).

Our new website host is Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net Services ( who are working in partnership with First Nations, the public and the private sectors to develop and sustain a Wide Area Broadband Network. The Kuh-ke-nah Broadband Network in Northern Ontario provides support for band office programs, health and education services in each participating First Nation. The network supports the development of broadband applications that combine video, voice and data services requiring high speed connectivity solutions. The long term objective is to establish local community networks linked across the country to other networks that share and distribute broadband services and programs that benefit the local community. 

One day Maria and Edith in Peru, and Caloy and Annie in the Philippines may find local groups that will want to learn from KNet, and KNet from them. I invite you all to have a look at the KNet website; and KNet to peek at ours.

Thank-you KNet!

Ricardo Ramírez Phd
Chair of ISG
The International Support Group
44 Caledonia St.
Guelph, Ontario N1G 2C9 Canada
tel/fax +1 (519) 824-5519