Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship Centres launches Anokeewin Wiichiiwaawin Web Site

The Sioux Lookout Nishnawbe Gamik Friendship Centre launched the Anokeewin Wiichiiwaawin Employment Centre web site with a ceremony and feast honouring the nine youth selected as the first role models for their new portal. The web site is located at

K-Net staff (Jesse Fiddler and Cal Kenny) worked with Anokeewin Wiichiiwaawin Employment Centre staff members (Melisse Wilson and Nadine Arpin) to create this web site. The celebration included a live video conference link with the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Thunder Bay office where two of the role models are able to join the ceremony (see the news story posted at

Each role model was recognized with a short biography read by Nadine Arpin with a gift being presented by the Friendship Centre's Executive Director, Laura Wynne. The on-line video clip containing a few words of wisdom from each role model was also viewed by the guests in attendance at this event. Afterwards a feast was hosted by the Friendship Centre for everyone in attendance.