K-Net hosts www.isglink.org - the International Support Group

Keewaytinook Okimakanak recently received this thank you message from one of our partners (Ricardo Ramírez) working with us in the development and evaluation of K-Net.

Dear ISG members:

Thanks to the generosity of our friends at KNet in northern Ontario, Canada (www.knet.ca) the ISG website is now hosted at the Knet server. I would like to make sure that the savings we are incurring become an investment for KNet. How this happens is something that I have no doubt will emerge. Just think:

  • ISG is a decentralized organization with members in Peru (Maria and Edith), Hawaii (Hal), the Netherlands (Carine and Annemarie), France (Clive), Kenya (Isaac), Canada (Reg and Ricardo) and the Philippines (Annie and Caloy).
  • What brings us together is innovation and learning to work with local communities and multiple partners. Much of what we have done has shaped the work that Don Richardson and I did with the KNet workshops in Red Lake and Fort Severn back in 1998.
  • We reported on this in the Tune meetings in Denmark and we wrote about it in the Linked Local Learning book (I will send a copy of the book to KNet right away).

Our new website host is Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net Services (www.knet.ca) who are working in partnership with First Nations, the public and the private sectors to develop and sustain a Wide Area Broadband Network. The Kuh-ke-nah Broadband Network in Northern Ontario provides support for band office programs, health and education services in each participating First Nation. The network supports the development of broadband applications that combine video, voice and data services requiring high speed connectivity solutions. The long term objective is to establish local community networks linked across the country to other networks that share and distribute broadband services and programs that benefit the local community. 

One day Maria and Edith in Peru, and Caloy and Annie in the Philippines may find local groups that will want to learn from KNet, and KNet from them. I invite you all to have a look at the KNet website; and KNet to peek at ours.

Thank-you KNet!

Ricardo Ramírez Phd
Chair of ISG
The International Support Group
44 Caledonia St.
Guelph, Ontario N1G 2C9 Canada
tel/fax +1 (519) 824-5519
email: rramirez@uoguelph.ca