Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative of FNIHB requesting proposals for off-reserve projects

Request for applications for the Métis, Off-reserve Aboriginal and Urban Inuit Prevention and Promotion Program

Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative

Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB), Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI), is requesting eligible organizations to submit applications to fund Métis, Off-reserve Aboriginal and Urban Inuit Prevention and Promotion program (MOAUIPP) projects. The goal of MOAUIPP is to improve the health status of Métis, off-reserve status and non-status First Nations and urban Inuit living outside their traditional communities by providing time-limited funding for community-based diabetes prevention and health promotion projects.

How Much Funding is Available?

This Request for Applications is for short-term or multi-year (up to 24 months) project funding. Projects must focus on type 2 diabetes prevention and health promotion activities, and projects can request up to $100,000 (or $8,333 per month) of funding per 12 month period.

What is the Time Period for Projects?

Projects can begin as early as April 1, 2008 and run up to March 31, 2010.

When are Applications Due?

The application deadline for submission is

January 25th, 2008 4:00 pm Eastern Time

Please note that completed applications must be received by the Health Canada mail room at FNIHB, Health Canada. All applications should be sent by mail or courier to the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative - Main Office.

Late applications will not be accepted.

Supported Priority Areas

There are five priority areas which are eligible for funding under MOAUIPP. (Please see the Guide for a complete description of the priority areas.) These priority areas are as follows:

  1. Public Awareness: activities are meant to increase a person's knowledge of risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes, what type 2 diabetes is, and how it can be prevented.
  2. Health Education: activities that inform people and increase knowledge regarding the disease, supports available, and encourage individual action.
  3. Skills Development: provides education to improve individual capacity, such as a healthy eating cooking class.
  4. Community Mobilization: encourages and supports people to take action to address diabetes issues in their own community.
  5. Creating a Supportive Environment: supporting the creation of healthy policies and practices to promote health, such as a healthy nutrition policy in schools.

Please Note: Applicants to MOAUIPP can only apply for work under these specified priority areas. In addition, projects may focus on specific population groups particularly affected in their community (for example, children, women, elders) or for the broader target population (such as: Métis, Off-reserve status and non-status First Nations and Urban Inuit).

Who Can Apply For Funding?

To be eligible for funding, organizations must be:

Organizations with a minimum of one (1) year experience in successfully managing comparable publicly funded health or social projects.


Canadian not-for-profit Aboriginal organizations or registered charities, which include:

* Métis groups, associations or organizations;
* Off-reserve First Nations groups, associations or organizations;
* Urban Inuit groups, associations or organizations; and
* Urban Aboriginal groups, associations or organizations.


Canadian non-profit centres, groups or organizations that provide services to Métis, Off-reserve status and non-status First Nations and Urban Inuit who can demonstrate through statistics and letter(s) of support that their project will benefit Métis, Off-reserve status and non-status First Nations and Urban Inuit.

Projects already receiving ADI funding through the First Nations and Inuit Communities (FNIC) component must also demonstrate the following to be eligible for new funding:

* How the identified needs are not already being met by current ADI funding?
* How the funding for the MOAUIPP project will be separated from the ADI FNIC funding?
* How project activities will serve MOAUIPP target population only?

Projects selected for funding, will be required to obtain incorporation or be a registered charity prior to their contribution agreement being signed.

Please note: MOAUIPP project recipients re-applying for funding must include an assessment of what has been achieved so far, number of people served, level of community and in-kind support, and the overall impact of activities supported through the funding. An additional sheet could be used to provide this information.
Procedure for Applying

In order to be considered for funding, applicants are encouraged to read the Guide for Applicants and must complete the Application for Funding Form. These documents are available both in electronic and in print hard-copy in English and French by contacting the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative - Main Office.

Applications that do not use the Application for Funding Form will not be considered.

Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee funding.

Once again, the deadline for funding applications is before close of business January 25th, 2008 4:00pm Eastern time. Late applications will not be accepted.

For more information, please contact the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative - Main Office at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/home-accueil/contact/fnih-spni/adi-ida_e.html