Community News

Videoconference series highlights First Nation women, Community Networks and Native Language

The last week in January promises to be a busy time as three video conferences are being hosted from the northern First Nations of Keewaywin and Muskrat Dam. All three workshops will be webstreamed for everyone to see online and will be archived for future reference.

Platinex and Ontario gov't & courts working together to take what they want from First Nations

The following two online presentations outline the positions being taken by the parties involved in the KI - Platinex court case 

Posted by Luke Sainnawap at on January 26

Summary of Court Day

The judge reserved judgement until early April.

What the Platinex and Ontario want.


National Post continues their "Rethinking the Reserves" series with "Shackled by red tape"

National Post's Rethinking The Reserve series (that claims "proposes innovative solutions to problems that reserve communities have faced for 200 years")

Shackled by red tape

Even when First Nations wants to get ahead they find that leveraging their land is far from easy

Kevin Libin, January 26, 2008

Ontario's Mining Act forces confrontations, possible jail time for First Nation leaders

See the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal front page story (Saturday, Jan 26)  after the following Press Release ...

National Chief challenges media and Canadians to "Deal with us as First Nations"

From the National Post

Deal With Us As First Nations

National Chief Phil Fontaine, AFN -  January 25, 2008

KO and First Nations receive international recognition as University of Vienna invests in researcher

As Philipp Budka prepares to return to northern Ontario in February to continue his research work with users, he recently received some much deserved recognition of the importance of his work from his university in the form of a research grant. As Philipp describes below, this grant represents much more than the financial support in the fact that the importance of his research is now being recognized by his university and others in Europe.

Partnering with private and public sectors to develop First Nation owned energy resources gains support

From CBC

Ontario native groups pursue renewable energy business: AFN

January 24, 2008

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty says he "likes the sound" of giving the province's native communities financial help so they can get into the electricity business.

The 8th World Indigenous Women & Wellness Conference in Calgary

Hello Nishnawbe Aski Nation, I wanted to pass this info. onto your communities.   I had worked at NAN as the Education Coordinator in 2005 and with Education Jurisdiction before.  My email is

"Paying lip service" and "doing the paper shuffle" for First Nation students by Harper government

Funding crunch puts off badly needed native school repairs