Community News

NAN Decade for Youth hosts annual Strength Building Conference in Thunder Bay

NAN press release ...

NAN Youth Host 3rd Annual Strength Building Conference

THUNDER BAY, ON Wednesday January 30, 2008: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Decade for Youth and Development together with NAN Decade for Youth Council ( kicked off the 3rd Annual Seven Sacred Teachings Youth Gathering on Thursday evening with the lighting of a sacred fire at 7:00p.m. at Thunder Bay’s Best Western Nor’Wester Hotel.

Evaluating performance outcomes of schools serving First Nation students a requirement

From the National Post

The native education gap

John Richards, January 30, 2008

Among Pierre Trudeau’s first initiatives as prime minister was his 1969 “white paper” on Aboriginal policy. Its prescription was straightforward: eliminate reserves, and treat “registered Indians” as individuals with rights and obligations identical to those of other Canadians.

First Nations Technical Institute funding cut by Harper government threatens its operation

The following three stories highlight the struggle facing First Nation post-secondary institutions. Please consider writing to your MP and MPP about this injustice and signing their online petition available at


First Nations continue efforts for Canada to recognize United Nations' Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples

AFN Press Release ...

United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples Elicits Strong Support

            OTTAWA, Jan. 29 /CNW Telbec/ - National Chief Phil Fontaine and the Regional Chief of Quebec and Labrador, Ghislain Picard, announced their ongoing commitment to secure the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the Canadian government.

StatsCan presentation of First Nation migration to the cities is wrong but politically driven

From the Toronto Star

First Nations assails census results

Jan 27, 2008 - Sue Bailey, THE CANADIAN PRESS

OTTAWA–The Assembly of First Nations says Statistics Canada drew flawed, potentially damaging conclusions from the 2006 census and it wants an independent review.

Chiefs of Ontario health team looking for a new First Nation Strategic Health Plan

Development of an Ontario First Nation Strategic Health Plan

January 29, 2008


The Chiefs of Ontario (COO) is currently seeking proposals from interested consultants/contractors to develop and deliver a strategic planning process.

Pelican Falls 2nd Annual Ladies Broomball Tournament

Pelican Falls 2nd Annual

Ladies Broomball Tournament

March 1, 2

$200.00 entry fee


contact Duane Ogemah

737-1283 work

582-3908 home

North-South Partnership proposes action on the harsh realities and challenges in remote First Nations

From Toronto Star

Harsh reality of northern reserves

Judy Finlay - Jan 29, 2008

Following last fall's Ontario provincial election, Premier Dalton McGuinty announced the creation of a Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. I felt excited and filled with hope as this signalled a willingness by the province to enhance its understanding of First Nations issues in Ontario.

K-Net team participates in University of Manitoba research on "Increasing Aboriginal Social Capital"

Over the past year, Keewaytinook Okimakanak's K-Net program participated in the research project lead by the University of Manitoba studying how ICTs support the development of social capital in First Nations.

On Friday, January 25, researchers at the University of Manitoba hosted a one day symposium to review and discuss their findings for a report entitled "Information and Communication Technology in Aboriginal Communities in Canada: Increasing Aboriginal Social Capital".

Pelican Falls Centre invites teams to mixed volleyball tournament

Pelican Falls 4th Annual

Mixed Volleyball Tournament

Saturday February 23rd

3 guys 3 gals

entry fee $150.00



Contact Duane Ogemah