NAN Decade for Youth hosts annual Strength Building Conference in Thunder Bay

NAN press release ...

NAN Youth Host 3rd Annual Strength Building Conference

THUNDER BAY, ON Wednesday January 30, 2008: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Decade for Youth and Development together with NAN Decade for Youth Council ( kicked off the 3rd Annual Seven Sacred Teachings Youth Gathering on Thursday evening with the lighting of a sacred fire at 7:00p.m. at Thunder Bay’s Best Western Nor’Wester Hotel.

“High self-esteem among our youth is a key factor in building resilient communities,” said NAN Decade for Youth and Development Coordinator Catherine Cheechoo. “Youth across NAN territory clearly understand that pride in culture raises self esteem. Our goal is to encourage this pride by reintroducing traditional concepts of healing and learning unique to our people and culture.”

The conference, focused on strength building teachings and traditions of the Anishnabe and Mushkego peoples of Nishnawbe Aski territory, begins this evening and will run through to Sunday February 3, 2008.

Highlights of the three day conference include opening ceremonies and welcoming address by NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy Thursday January 31st at 9:00 a.m., a film screening of Seeking Bimaadiziiwin Friday at 10:20 a.m., and various workshops with themes including women’s drum teachings, role of education for youth, importance of storytelling in culture, and sharing circles.

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For more information please contact:

Jenna Young
Director of Communications
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
(807) 625 4952
(807) 628 3953 mobile