Chiefs of Ontario health team looking for a new First Nation Strategic Health Plan

Development of an Ontario First Nation Strategic Health Plan

January 29, 2008


The Chiefs of Ontario (COO) is currently seeking proposals from interested consultants/contractors to develop and deliver a strategic planning process.

The Strategic planning process for Ontario First Nations will enable a strategic plan to be developed and reviewed technically and politically. Regional Priorities will be sought and the mandate given to look at a tripartite process via a cross jurisdictional agreement. This process will lay the foundation to build the tripartite process. A mandate will be pursued at the Chiefs in Assembly in June.


- Design and deliver a strategic planning process.
- Strategic planning process to facilitate the development of an Ontario First Nation Strategic Health Plan.
- Facilitate the initial strategic plan with the following attendees:
--PTO/IFN Health Directors (HCU), Chiefs Committee on Health members (OCCOH).
--COO Health Staff and Potentially Grand Chiefs from the PTO’s (PC).

Draft strategic plan is formatted and prepared to be presented at the Health Policy Forum to be held in April 2008. This formatted discussion document will be distributed and key questions will be asked of the participants. Recorded responses will be incorporated into the plan for discussion at the Chiefs Assembly in June. This forum will include First Nation Health workers and First Nation leadership.

AOCC - A formatted discussion paper that has taken into account the work of technicians and leadership will be presented and the Chiefs will be asked to consider a mandate for moving forward.


Internal Strategic Session

- Outline of Strategic planning process to be facilitated with HCU, OCCOH, PC, and Health Staff. - Review all existing foundational documents.
- Prepare a draft backgrounder for participants of the internal strategic planning session.
- Facilitate the internal strategic session.
- Incorporate internal strategic session outcomes into a draft Strategic Health Plan.
- Incorporate feedback as appropriate into draft Strategic Health Plan (version 2) to be tabled at the Health Policy Forum.

Follow Up

Briefing Note prepared for the Ontario Chiefs Committee on Health (OCCOH) the Health Coordination Unit (HCU) and the Political Confederacy (PC).

Health Policy Forum - April

- Draft Communiqué to be sent out with draft Strategic Health Plan to all First Nations communities.
- Draft agenda in collaboration with COO Health Coordinator, and invite speakers and guests as required.
- Prepare summary presentation of the draft Strategic Health Plan.
- Prepare a facilitator’s guide for breakout group discussions. It is proposed that break-out group discussions be conducted.
- Develop evaluation forms for Health Policy Forum attendees.
- Prepare a summary document with recommendations and next steps for discussion.
- Briefing Note for the Ontario Chiefs Committee on Health and Health Coordination Unit.

Follow Up

Prepare Briefing to Regional Chief Toulouse and COO Executive on the Strategic Health Plan progress-to-date and to Identify Strategic Health Plan as an item of the Annual Assembly agenda.

AOCC – June 2008

- Draft a summary presentation for Chiefs of the Strategic Health Plan.
- Draft a Support Resolution for Chiefs’ consideration of the Strategic Health Plan and a mandate to advance a tripartite agreement.

Follow Up

Draft letter from Regional Chief to federal and provincial health Ministers informing them of outcomes of the Annual Assembly relative to the Strategic Health Plan.

The individuals identified in the proposal as Project Coordinator/Consultant shall:

  • ensure that the contract will be brought in on time, and of acceptable quality.
  • manage the project according to the agreed upon work plan.
  • consult with the Health Coordinator on any issues or concerns which may arise during the course of the project.
  • conduct meetings with a high level of professionalism.
  • Ensure that any findings/conclusions raised in reports and other written material are well documented and substantiated with pertinent and credible information.

The Chiefs of Ontario Administration Office - Health Coordinator shall provide the following:

  • access to background documentation such as, publications, reports, studies, and provide comments on draft reports within 5 working days.
  • provide other reasonable assistance or support.
  • approve documents.

Contractor’s Obligations

The Contractor shall provide the following:

  • provision of contact personnel at all times.
  • provide all written materials in electronic format (i.e., WordPerfect 6,7,8 or 10 and higher) and paper format.
  • consult with other appropriate government departments and agencies.
  • attend meetings, as required.
  • make formal presentation of findings, reports.
  • return all documents prior to final payment.


Internal Strategic Planning Session February 21 & 22, 2008
Ontario Health Policy Forum April 22, 23 & 24, 2008
All Ontario Chiefs Conference June 3, 4 & 5, 2008

Proposal must be structured in the following manner:

- A covering letter, signed by an authorized representative of your firm.
- A Proposal and a Cost/Price Proposal, contained in a separate sealed envelope.

Delivery Instructions for Bid/Proposal

Bid submission envelopes may be returned to the following address:

Chiefs of Ontario
111 Peter Street, Suite 804
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 2H1
c/o Lori Jacobs, Executive Director

Proposals by Facsimile (416) 597-8365 or Electronic Mail ( will be accepted and must be sent to the Attention of Lori Jacobs, Executive Director.

Closing Date and Time

All proposals must be received by February 4th, 2008 at 12 Noon. Proposals received after this time will be returned unopened.

Announcement of Successful Contractor

The Chiefs of Ontario will communicate to only the successful candidate.


All enquiries and other communications related to this RFP may be sent to:

Tracy Antone, Health Coordinator, Chiefs of Ontario at toll free 1-877-517- 6527 or via email

Lori Jacobs, Executive Director, Chiefs of Ontario at toll free 1-877-517- 6527 or via email