Community News

Researchers from universities in Vienna, Fredericton and Toronto write about the work of K-Net

The team at Keewaytinook Okimakanak is working with a number of researchers to produce papers and publications that support the further development of broadband infrastructure and applications in remote and rural communities across Canada. The following list of activities and partners highlight the extent of this work ...

INAC funds urban organizations to plan and host 3rd "Aboriginal Research Policy Conference"

Aboriginal Policy Research Conference 

July 03, 2008

The Third Triennial

Aboriginal Policy Research Conference

will be held March 9 - 12, 2009 in Ottawa, Ontario.

There is a call for papers for three support conference streams from

"Improving Education on Reserves: A First Nations Education Authority Act" - a research paper

Caledon Institute releases paper on improving education on reserves

Posted July 3, 2008

The Caledon Institute of Social Policy announced the release of

"Improving Education on Reserves: A First Nations Education Authority Act"

by Michael Mendelson.

AKN partners celebrate grand opening of their new safe water service in 21 First Nations

Anishinaabeg Kakenwaydemiwatch Nepi (AKN) celebrated their grand opening today by bringing together all the partners involved in making this unique Safe Water Operations program a success!

Partners in this innovative initiative include:

KORI Director shares KIHS story at Provoking Research, Provoking Communities Conference

Brian Walmark, Director of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute is attending the Provoking Research, Provoking Communities Conference hosted by the Faculty of Education at the University of Windsor. The conference is happening starting July 3 to 5, 2008.

AFN National Chief reports on Federal legislation affecting First Nations

A Communiqué from National Chief Phil Fontaine

Update in Key Legislation Affecting First Nations

June 2008

The Assembly of First Nations issues regular updates on the National Chief’s activities and work underway at the national office. More information can be found on the AFN’s website at

Update in Key Legislation Affecting First Nations

21 First Nations establish Safe Water Operations Program to protect their water services

From the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal

Water protection goes local

BRYAN MEADOWS - June 30, 2008
A new venture is tapping local talent to ensure safe water on area First Nations.

Anishinnaabeg Kakenwaydemiwatch Nepi (AKN) was created in response to the safe water operations program instituted by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada in 2006. The not-for-profit corporation celebrates the grand opening of its Dryden office on Thursday.

Ontario government to consult with Aboriginal groups concerning their ban of sturgeon fishing

Ontario government press release ...

Ontario Moves to Protect Sturgeon

June 27, 2008

McGuinty Government Restricts Harvest In Both Recreational And Commercial Fisheries

As of July 1, 2008, recreational anglers will no longer be allowed to keep any lake sturgeon they catch.

Evidence shows that overharvesting is a major factor in putting the species at risk. As a result, only catch and release of this species will be allowed.

High food prices in remote First Nations and at food banks in cities creating new challenges

From the Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal

Food banks caught in the middle as prices rise

Sarah Elizabeth Brown 06/28/2008

Food, gas and energy prices are soaring and more Ontarians are having a tougher time paying basic bills.

Caught in between are food banks, which are feeling the pinch of higher food and fuel prices as well as seeing more people coming to them for help.