Community News

Walk4Justice on Cross-Country Trek to Protest Missing and Murdered Women


Walk4Justice on Cross-Country Trek to Protest Missing and Murdered Women

June 19, 2008

VANCOUVER, June 19, 2008 - Walk4Justice has a full day, Sept 15, 2008, booked on Parliament Hill to present a petition and address the key issues surrounding marginalized, missing and murdered women and their families. Over three thousand women & children are deemed missing or murdered in the last 10 years, 80% of them are Aboriginal.

Report of the Seventh Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues available online

From the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - Report of the Seventh Session

June 19, 2008

House fire tradegy claims four more lives in remote community of Deer Lake First Nation

The initial visit by the regional coroner points to another house fire on a remote First Nation resulting in the loss of life is a concern that requires further investigation (report from CBC TBay radio news).

From the Toronto Star

Northern Ontario fire kills man, 3 toddlers


DEER LAKE, Ont.–There is no word yet on the cause of a fire that has claimed four lives in the northwestern Ontario community of Deer Lake.

Teleradiology program at Oshki delivering results for remote First Nations residents

From TBay Chronicle Journal

New technicians will help serve their communities

By Jim Kelly - Saturday, June 14, 2008

A group of young aboriginal men and women are expected to make a significant impact on health care in First Nations communities.

And others may soon be following in their footsteps.

The 11 are graduates of a radiological technician certificate program, allowing them to operate X-ray equipment.

Pallative Care in First Nations receiving funding support from Canada's Public Health Agency

Lakehead University press release 

What do you, your family and your community have planned for National Aboriginal Day on June 21?

INAC press release ...

June 21 - National Aboriginal Day

On June 21st, join thousands of people across the country in celebrating National Aboriginal Day. This very special day celebrates the unique heritage, cultures and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and M=E9tis peoples in Canada.

Conference - "Raising Our Voices' bi-annual Aboriginal Language gathering in London, Ontario

"Raising Our Voices' bi-annual Language Conference

August 19 -20, 2008

Four Points by Sheraton Hotel and Conference Centre

London, Ontario


Some of the reasons First Nations education is still failing students, families and communities

Press Release 

Strahl Throwing Bonuses to Bureaucrats as First Nation School Building Budgets Raided


Lac Seul First Nation invites all youth to a 2 day gathering ... The Indian Summer Tour!

Lac Seul First Nation is proud to bring you....

The Indian Summer Tour!


July 16th & 17th


Frenchman's Head Community Complex


10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Workshops

Turning Canada's lakes and rivers into mine dump sites... another government subsidy for mining industry


Lakes across Canada face being turned into mine dump sites

Terry Milewski - June 16, 2008

CBC News has learned that 16 Canadian lakes are slated to be officially but quietly "reclassified" as toxic dump sites for mines. The lakes include prime wilderness fishing lakes from B.C. to Newfoundland.