Community News

Eabametoong First Nation Home and Community Care programs receives grant for New Horizons program

Federal government press release 

The Government of Canada supports a Project for Seniors in Eabamet Lake

EABAMET LAKE, ONTARIO, April 21, 2009—Mr. Greg Rickford, Member of Parliament for Kenora, today announced federal support to improve the facilities and equipment of the Eabametoong First Nation Home and Community Care under the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change gathering in Anchorage, Alaska

From Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change homepage

The Inuit Circumpolar Council is hosting April 20-24, 2009 in Anchorage, Alaska a Global Summit on Climate Change that will bring together indigenous delegates and observers.

Muskrat Dam First Nation building new community centre with $1 million grant from NOHFC

Ontario press release

McGuinty Government Funds Construction Of Multi-Purpose Centre

April 20, 2009

Residents of Muskrat Dam First Nation will soon be able to host community gatherings and sports activities at a new multi use community centre.

NAN Decade for Youth members and Deputy Chief receiving award for Four Directions Project

NAN Press Release ...


April 17, 2009

THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Ask Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief RoseAnne Archibald will accept an award at the 2009 Cowichan Aboriginal Film Festival Youth FX Awards Ceremony for her short film co-production with the NAN Decade for Youth Council, titled The Four Directions Project, a NAN youth-empowering initiative in which she mentored four youth directors: Catherine Cheechoo, Brent Wesley, Serene Spence and Jocelyn Formsma.

Canada & Ontario facing class action lawsuit by Aboriginal adopted & foster children

Tehaliwaskenhas - Bob Kennedy ( Onyota'a:ka / Oneida ) at Turtle Island Native Network ( produced a thoughtful commentary entitled ...

Marten Falls First Nation signs compensation agreement with mining company

Press release ... 

Treaty 3 First Nations working with Ontario ministry to create local and regional opportunities

Ontario press release

Partnerships Between Ministry and Grand Council Treaty #3 Communities

April 16, 2009

The Ministry of Natural Resources is involved in a number of important partnerships with Grand Council Treaty #3 communities. These focus on building relationships, pursuing economic development opportunities such as green energy and forestry, and youth employment.

Indigenous Leaders provide Plan of Action to 5th Summit of the Americas

AFN and NWAC press release

Wabaseemoong and the North Spirit Lake First Nations getting new schools for students

INAC press release 

Canada's Economic Action Plan Delivers New School for the Wabaseemoong and the North Spirit Lake First Nations in Northern Ontario

Ottawa, Ontario (April 17, 2009) - Members of the Wabaseemoong and the North Spirit Lake First Nations will benefit from new schools, thanks to the Government of Canada's Economic Action Plan.