Muskrat Dam First Nation building new community centre with $1 million grant from NOHFC

Ontario press release

McGuinty Government Funds Construction Of Multi-Purpose Centre

April 20, 2009

Residents of Muskrat Dam First Nation will soon be able to host community gatherings and sports activities at a new multi use community centre.

With the support of the province, the remote First Nation will construct a multi-functional community centre. The main level of the 27,825 square-foot building will include space for badminton and basketball, a community gathering area, an exercise centre and two change rooms. The second floor will feature a kitchen, cafeteria and rest rooms.

The centre is expected to create two full-time and three part-time jobs, while up to seven jobs will be created during construction of the facility.


“Our investment in this centre will help the community enhance the quality of life of its members and serve the needs of the First Nation well into the future.”
- Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development and Mines and Chair of the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC).

“Having a place to hold gatherings and activities for young people is vital to building a strong and vibrant community. This centre will help the Muskrat Dam First Nation lay the foundation for future success.”
- Brad Duguid, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs


> The NOHFC is providing $1 million to the project through its Infrastructure and Community Development Program.

> Muskrat Dam First Nation is a remote community located on the north shore of the Severn River about 370 kilometres north of Sioux Lookout. Approximately two-thirds of its on reserve population of about 205 people are between the ages of 13 and 28.


> Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
> About the Independent First Nations Alliance

Anne-Marie Flanagan, Minister’s Office, 416-327-0655
Michel Lavoie, Communications Branch, 705-564-7125