Community News

KO Research Institute and Lakehead U hosts Community Based Research Training Workshop

Community Based Research Training Workshop
April 27 to 29, 2009
Sioux Lookout

Removing legal status threatens First Nations and Canada's treaty obligations

From the Toronto Star

'Status Indians' face threat of extinction - In some communities, last children with historic rights will be born as early as 2012

May 10, 2009 - Nicholas Keung, IMMIGRATION REPORTER

Leaning against a creamy white war monument on the 1,200-hectare Alderville First Nation reserve north of Cobourg, Wayne Beaver wonders how long his ancestors' land will remain in his people's hands.

Chiefs of Ontario working to protect First Nation Jay Treaty rights for US border crossing

TO: All First Nation Citizens
DATE: May 7, 2009
FROM: Angus Toulouse, Ontario Regional Chief

United States re-considering the UN's Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

From IPS news 

U.S.: Obama Urged to Sign Native Rights Declaration

By Haider Rizvi

UNITED NATIONS, May 6 (IPS) - The United States is considering whether to endorse a major U.N. General Assembly resolution calling for the recognition of the rights of the world’s 370 million indigenous peoples over their lands and resources.

Ontario using federal funding to provide 40 new police officers in First Nations

Ontario press release 

McGuinty Government Uses Federal Funding To Improve Community Safety

TORONTO, May 7 - Forty new police constables will soon be working in First Nations communities in Ontario.

First Nation youth and police forces playing hockey at Fort William First Nation arena

Thunder Bay Community Cup

Hockey with aboriginal youth this Saturday at the Fort William First Nation Arena. 

This event is to help break some barriers between Aborignal Youth and Police and vise Versa. 

If you have any questions , please feel free to email me or call my cell.


Faron Hall is a hero for rescuing teen from Red River in Winnipeg

From the Winnipeg Sun  

Hero saves teen in river - Homeless man risks life after he saw male jump


A homeless Winnipeg man is being hailed as a hero after pulling a teenager from the Red River, which is still swift and swollen from floodwaters.

Telemedicine Scheduling Job Opportunity with KOTM in Balmertown

 Employment Opportunity  
Telemedicine Scheduler 

Invitation to share photos and pictures about Canadians and their communities

Press release 

Vancouver 2010 invites Canadians to share their photos and words about their country and neighbourhoods through innovative online digital scrapbook called Canada CODE

May 4, 2009