KO Research Institute and Lakehead U hosts Community Based Research Training Workshop

Community Based Research Training Workshop
April 27 to 29, 2009
Sioux Lookout

The Keewaytinook Okimakanak Research Institute, lead by Brian Walmark, in partnership with Lakehead University's Faculty of Education, lead by Dr.Seth Agbo along with doctoral candidates, John McKenzie and Robert Jerome hosted a three day workshop in the KO office in Sioux Lookout the week of April 27. The workshop is a component of the SSHRC-funded research project, Digital Education in Remote First Nations, which involves the Keewaytinook Internet High School (http://kihs.knet.ca). For more information about this research initiative visit the project announcement at http://media.knet.ca/node/3222

Workshop participants included James Jefferies from Deer Lake (via videoconference) Charity Machimity from Saugeen, Kathleen Kosstachin from  Fort Severn (via videoconference), Erin Bottle from Mishkeegogamang and Robin Ranger from Fort William First Nation.

As well, Kristy Tomkinson, MSc. Candidate,Capacity Development and Extension, School of Environmental Design & Rural Development at the University of Guelph traveled to Sioux Lookout to join the workshop and meet with the K-Net team. Kristy is working the K-Net team to research and explore the importance of the youth employment work being undertaken by KO in First Nation IT capacity development.

The workshop covered the following topics ...

Mon. Apr. 27, 2009 Travel day, Pre-Workshop Registration, Opening Remarks
Group Activity: Dinner & Sharing Circle - How would I describe "research" to my grandmother?

Tues. Apr. 28, 2009

  • Welcome & Introductions, Greetings from NAN Grand Chief Stan Beardy
  • What is KIHS? How did it start? Via Video Conference with Margaret Fiddler
  • Why this research project is important? Via Video Conference
  • What is Research? What is PAR? What is the research project? Walking through the project
  • Group Activity?  What skills do I have to contribute? What skills do I need to develop?
  • The community meeting/feast What are the steps to host a successful community meeting Roles and Responsibilities, Necessary resources
  • Group Activity Problem Identification: The Problem Tree
  • The Sharing circle Group discussion on sharing circles Respecting community protocols How do we document the outcomes of sharing circles
  • Evening Gathering:  Film "Ten Canoes"

Wed. Apr. 29, 2009

  • Key Informant Interviews Elders, Parents, Teachers
  • Facilitating a Video conference Booking a video conference Promoting a video conference Roles and Responsibilities of chairing a video conference
  • Encouraging discussion Best practices and lessons learned
  • Soft Skills the consent form, Tips on how to conduct a key informant interview, How to listen effectively, How to encourage discussion  Respecting community protocols for recording discussion
  • Closing Activities: Group Activity Sharing Circle Where do we go from here? Closing Remarks

Post Workshop Activity:  Video taped Interview-What am I doing with my new knowledge?