Community News

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Chief shows support for Couchiching First Nation toll booth

From Fort Frances Times

Toll booth drawing outside support

May 26, 2010 - By Peggy Revell, Staff writer

The toll booth initiative undertaken by Couchiching First Nation is drawing support from beyond its immediate community, including a visit from Grand Council Treaty #3 Ogichidaakwe Diane Kelly yesterday.

“I’m here to support Couchiching First Nation,” said Kelly, who took a turn in the booth collecting tolls from passing vehicles.

APTN announces 4th annual Aboriginal Day Live celebration on Sunday, June 20

APTN announces 4th annual Aboriginal Day Live celebration

- Free concerts celebrate Aboriginal heritage, culture and entertainment across the country -

WINNIPEG, May 26 - Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) will once again stage its annual Aboriginal Day Live celebration on Sunday, June 20th, 2010, in honour of National Aboriginal Day and the summer solstice (June 21st), with high-profile, simultaneous-running concerts in both Winnipeg, Manitoba and Ottawa, Ontario.

Honouring First Nations, Inuit and Métis women at “Keeping the Fires Burning” ceremony

Keeping the Fires Burning

“For 500 years our grandmothers have kept the fires burning. They were the warriors who kept our stories and our songs alive, our languages spoken, and our connections to our Mother Earth strong and our spirits brave. Now, it is our time to keep the fires burning.”

Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life Event on June 4, 2010 at QEDHS

NNEC and Wawatay Team "Beat It" want to BEAT IT with your help!   The Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life event will be held in Sioux Lookout at the QEDHS field on Friday, June 4th.  This is a 12 hour event which raises money for the Canadian Cancer Society.  Last year, Sioux Lookout raised over $90,000 for this event which gives us an opportunity to celebrate cancer survivors, remember and honour loved ones lost to cancer and fight back against all cancers.  Cancer rates are rising in our First Nation communities and we need to be proactive and raise awareness about

Ontario First Nations protesting HST measures agree to meet with Canada Finance minister

From Sault Ste Marie

Regional Chief Isadore Day statement on HST measures

By Staff - May 22, 2010


SHAWANAGA FIRST NATION - "Our treaties prove that our citizens did not agree to taxation," says Lake Huron Regional Grand Chief Isadore Day of Serpent River First Nation.

First Nations' right to free, prior and informed consent required for any forest agreements

Press Release


THUNDER BAY, ON: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy says the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement, recently signed by Canadian forest product companies and environmental groups, disrespects First Nations rights.

Nutrition North Canada to replace Canada's Food Mail Program by next year

Government of Canada announces Nutrition North Canada to support healthy eating in the North

IQALUIT, NUNAVUT (May 21, 2010) - A new northern food retail subsidy program called Nutrition North Canada will make healthy food more accessible and affordable to Canadians living in isolated Northern communities, thanks to the Government of Canada.